Friday, June 30, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Potato Salad

Everyone has there favorite potato salad recipe or how to fix potato salad. I know my family and I do. We don't like hot potato salad. We don't like it all mashed and pasty. We don't like it with sweet pickle. We like it with more yellow mustard in it. We have found we like it with some bacon thrown in. 

Here is what you will need: 

  • 2 to 3 medium size potatoes in their skins boiled until a knife slides through them with ease.
  • 2 hard boiled eggs
  • a 1/4 of an onion, minced (or as much as you want to.)
  • 1/2 of a bell pepper, chopped into small pieces  (or as much as you want. I use all colors of bell peppers.)
  • dill pickles, chopped into small pieces
  • bacon bits
  • your favorite herbs and spices
  • yellow mustard (French's)
  • mayo (preferably Duke's)

Once the eggs and potatoes are boiled, allow them to cool to room temp. Peel the skin off of the potatoes and peel the eggs. 
In a large bowl, add the potatoes and eggs chopped into bite size pieces.
Chop up the onion, the bell pepper, and dill pickles and add them to the bowl.

Once everything is chopped up, it is time to add the mayo, mustard, herbs, and spices. All of this will depend on your and your family's taste. Like I said earlier, we like more mustard in it than mayo. The herbs and spices I use are Lawry's seasoning salt, garlic salt, black pepper, onion powder, parsley flakes, and bacon bits. The best way to do this is to add small amounts at a time, until you get the taste you want. When I have it where I want it, I put it in another bowl and place in frig until I am ready to serve it. The longer it has a chance to set and let the flavors meld the better it is. 
Potato salad is good with any kind of meat. It is also a cold refreshing dish that is perfect for any summertime cookout or barbecue. It is one of those simply yummy veggie side dishes! 

Thursday, June 29, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Sauteed Mushrooms

I love sauteed mushroom, but it is hard to find a recipe that does finish them off with a splash of wine. I do not like wine, nor do I like the taste of it in any dish. It took me a ling time to find a recipe that left out the wine, but I did and it is a good. Of course with most recipes, I tailored it to our family's taste. 

Here is what you will need:
  • a small shallot, minced (optional)
  • 1 - 8oz. package of button mushrooms, stemmed and sliced
  • 1 - 8 oz. package of baby portebello mushrooms, stemmed and sliced ( or buy the already sliced ones)
  • 1 Tbsp of olive oil, (or you could butter, I have used both)
  • garlic salt, to taste
  • black pepper, to taste
Over medium to high heat, add a Tbsp of olive oil to a frying pan or skillet. When oil is heated and shimmering, saute the shallot until tender, then add all of the mushrooms. (If you don't want touse the shallot, just add the mushrooms when the oil is heated.) Stir occasionally until they are browned. Add garlic salt and black pepper. Stir to incorporate the flavors, then they are ready to serve.

I like serving them with beef, especially grilled steak. Don't they look yummy! The best part NO wine!
A word of caution, wait to add the salt until the very end.  If you add it too early, the mushrooms will release moisture which will steam the mushrooms instead of browning them.  
Give this simple, yummy dish a try! 

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Sauteed Veggies

I love a medley of veggies steamed, grilled, or sauteed. I have steamed veggies. DH has grilled veggies. However, I have never fixed sauteed veggies and I wasn't quite sure how to do it. As I started looking through recipes, I was pretty sure I come up with some edible. This following recipe is the result of my efforts. As with most recipes, it can be tailored to your family's taste. I have also found that adding the ingredients in a certain order that allows the veggies to get the cooking time they need.

Here is what you will need:

  • 3 to 5 Tbsps of butter
  • a medium onion, sliced (I use a white or yellow onion, but if I have a red one on hand I use it.)
  • a half of a big bell pepper, sliced (I use a combo of different colored peppers. I don't put in as much bell pepper as I do the other veggie, because it gives DH acid reflux.)
  • an 8 oz container of white button mushrooms, sliced (I remove the stems.)
  • a small bag of baby carrots or 1 to 2 carrots sliced diagonally in to planks
  • several florets of broccoli and cauliflower cut in to bite size pieces 
  • garlic salt, black pepper, onion powder, and red pepper flakes (just a few flakes to give the dish a little bit of a kick.) ~ all of this to taste or add your favorite spices and herbs 
Start with melting about 3 Tbsps of butter in a frying pan or saute pan. While it is melting slice the onion up, then add it to the pan. Do the same with the bell pepper. Stir occasionally. 

While the onion and bell pepper is cooking, look over the baby carrots for bad spots and cut the bigger ones in half length-wise or peel and slice the carrots. Add the carrots to the pan. Stir occasionally. If you find the pan getting low on moisture add more butter.
Start on the mushrooms next. Remove the stems, then slice up the mushrooms. Add to the pan. I start adding the herbs at this time. Stir occasionally. 
The broccoli and cauliflower are the next items to prepare. Cut them into bite size pieces and add to the pan. Stir occasionally.
At this point the onions, bell peppers, and carrots should be getting soft. The mushrooms should be changing color. I continue sauteing until the broccoli had changed into a darker green and the cauliflower has softened. Be sure to taste check the dish along the way to see if you need to add more herbs or spices.

The finished product.
This dish is family tested and approved, even by our picker eater ~ our DD. It is good with any kind of meat. It also goes great with any kind of meat and potato meal. It is relatively healthy, even with the butter. It is not that hard to make, although it does require a lot of slicing. It is just simply a great dish to know how to make!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Cole Slaw

We eat a lot of cole slaw around our house. Cole slaw made with just cabbage, no carrots. Slaw that is a little sweet, with a hint of tartness. The biggest no-no of slaw making is that you NEVER, EVER use Miracle Whip. You use mayo, preferably Duke's mayo ~ the best mayo in the South. I have received a lot of compliments on my cole slaw, so here is how I make it.

What you will need: 
  • a half of head of cabbage, grated into a bowl
  • a pinch of salt
  • black pepper
  • sugar
  • white vinegar (you can use apple cider vinegar if you want more tartness or are out of white)
  • mayo ~ Duke's: NO MIRACLE WHIP
When the cabbage is grated, I add a pinch of salt to help draw out the moisture in the cabbage and to give it that little extra flavor. 
Next few ingredients you will need to add to your family's taste. I add the black pepper, the sugar, the white vinegar, and the mayo. I stir everything together, then taste it. I add what I think is needed, stir again, and then taste. It is that easy. 
I make it on the sweet side. My momma makes it more on the tart side. DH likes plenty of black pepper in it, but I can't take that much, so we meet in the middle. Tasting it as you make it is the best way to gage what it needs next. 
We eat this cole slaw with lima beans or green beans and pickles, or just with pickles. We put it on cheeseburgers, hot dogs, and barbecue sandwiches. It is good served with pork roast, pork chops, steaks, or roast. It is just one of those handy dishes to know how to fix, because it goes with most anything. It is simply a yummy thing!  

Monday, June 26, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Vegetable Salad

Growing up, DH and I ate a lot of cooked veggies; from all sorts of beans, to peas, to corn. We did have some raw veggies; such as tomato slices, cucumbers, and an occasion salad. When we first got married, I served the same types of veggies. However, when we started on our journey to eating healthier, I looked for ways to include more raw veggies and other types of cooked veggies to our diet. I discovered some new ways to serve raw veggies and new recipes to try. So, all this week, I am sharing some of our favorites. 

The first recipe is a twist on a salad, but it doesn't use any salad greens. I call it a vegetable salad. I use 3 raw veggies as the base and then you can add other veggies to it. I add radishes and broccoli to it when I have them. How much you add of each is up to you and your family's taste

Here is what you will need: 
  • a cucumber 
  • a carrot  
  • several florets of cauliflower
  • radishes
  • several florets of broccoli 

The ingredients. 

I start by cutting up the cauliflower florets into tiny. bite size pieces. I don't add as much cauliflower as I do other the veggies. 

Cauliflower cut up into bit size pieces.

Next, I grate the carrot, chopped up the cucumber, and slice the radishes. If you are adding broccoli, cut it up into bite size pieces ~ like the cauliflower. 

When you have all the veggies you want cut up and in a bowl, add ranch salad dressing to it. Again, you add as much or as little as you want. I like to add enough until all the veggies are well covered and slightly swimming in the dressing. 

This is a great side dish to serve on those hot summer days. It goes great with almost anything, but we really like it with roast beef or some sort of pork. An add plus is that it doesn't take much time to throw together. It is simply a yummy thing!  

Friday, June 23, 2017

A Father's Day Weekend

I had all these big plans for a Father's Day Weekend post. I was going to take pictures of the food we ate and the restaurant by daddy was taking us to. I was going wrap up DH's gift nicely and decorate our kitchen table for breakfast. However, all my plans went out the window when I was involved in my little accident

Our Father's Day weekend started last Friday night. After our trip to the ER, we headed to my in-laws' house for dinner to celebrate Father's Day and my youngest BIL's birthday. We had Papa John's pizza and a salad, with cheesecake bites for dessert. It was our first time having Papa John's pizza. It was okay, but Pizza Hut is still my favorite. We spent the rest of the evening enjoying our time together and talking. 

On Saturday afternoon, we went up to my parent's house for Father's Day. We do it a little differently than most people. My daddy told he has all he needs and wants, so he takes us all out for a meal. We have been to a lot of interesting places over the year and ate a lot of good food. This year we ended up at a little hole in the wall restaurant called "The Cornbread Shack." They serve good old-fashioned Southern cooking, as well as sandwiches, hot dogs, and hamburgers. Everyone, except for me, ordered home-cooked food. I ordered a double cheeseburger and a side of pub chips. Oh, my word, it was so good! The burger came close to a Five Guys burger and that is saying a lot. Afterwards, we went back to my parent's house. We sat on the front porch enjoying the evening air and talking. 

Sunday morning, we gave DH his unwrapped gift ~ the 8th season of JAG DVD's and a Hacksaw Ridge DVD. I fixed him his requested breakfast ~ livermush sandwiches, potato pancakes, and fresh fruit. DD and he headed to church afterwards. I stayed at home because I just didn't think I could handle sitting that long. We spent the rest of the afternoon watching tv snuggled in the bed with Miss Oakley. For supper, I fixed DH his requested taco salad with beans. 

Although things didn't go according to my plans, we still had a pretty good weekend. The thought that was full force in my mind was that I was happy that I wasn't hurt too bad and was able to enjoy the weekend. That is simply a good thing! 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Little Bit Of This...

A Little Bit Of That

This will probably become a regular feature around here. It will be a good way to share those little things that pop into my mind and can't be made into a whole post. So, here goes! 

  • Walmart Savings Catcher: I am in love with this feature. We started doing this over 10 months ago and have gotten around $56 back. We bought our outdoor lights in the spring with some of the money. DH recently bought shorts and socks with some of the money. It is an easy way to earn some money back from something you have to do every week. It is easy to set up and to put in your receipt code. Just go to Walmart Savings Catcher
  • DD's temporary job: Her job at our local library ended over two weeks ago. They are hoping to be able to hire her back for a permanent part position in the near future. Please, send up prayers for this to happen. 
  • Planner Bandwagon: I have been lusting over a "Erin Condren" planner for a couple of years now. I was about the take the plunge when I heard that Michael's had just put out a similar planner and it was cheaper. So I headed there to check them out and ended up coming home with one. I think I am going to like it. Once I get into using it, I will put up a bigger  post about it. 
  • Grill Mat: Apparently, these things are all the rage. My FIL ordered a set and gave us one to try. We haven't used it, yet. DH said he thought it would be just the thing to grill squash on. It is suppose to leave grill marks and impart the grilled flavor to foods. So, we shall see and when we do, I let you know how it turns out. 
  • Outlander: I heard about this tv series and the set of books the tv series is based on from Brittany at "Life Of Charmings." As soon as, I read about it I knew it would be a series I would be interested in. I have read the first book and am on the second one. I love them. The story is great and it involves history and time travel. That is just what this semi-nerd loves. I hope to rent the first two seasons soon. 
  • Computer Time: I was spending too much time on the computer during the day reading blogs and looking at Instagram accounts. This took time away from getting chores done and time I could using to blog. I was trying to find a way I could fit reading blogs and found that time in a round about way. DH recently bought a tablet so we could get on the net without being tied down to the desktop. It helped with my blog reading problem. I use the tablet a night to read blogs when DH has already gone to bed and I am still up watching tv. It was the perfect solution, because it was time being wasted. I don't like not making use of all the time available to me. 
  • Back To The Docs: I went to see my doctor yesterday. My belly and thighs started swelling on Monday afternoon. They were still swollen on Tuesday afternoon when DH got home. He told me to call our doctor to get it checked out. I did and after talking to the nurse to assess the situation, I got an appointment for the following day. The doc said the swelling was from my belly being bruised by the seat belt in the wreck. He checked my hemoglobin just to make sure I wasn't anemic, which would indicate internal bleeding. It was fine. So, he sent me home and told me to take an easy for the next few days. So thankful it wasn't a serious issue. God is good! 

Well, that is all for "A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That." 

Living life simply and thankful for every minute of it! 

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

True Confessions

Today, I thought I would share of few things about the real me. It might get ugly and involve way to much TMI, but I don't want to come across as fake. So, here goes! 

  • I don't make-up our beds every day. The longest they have gone without being made up is a whole week. 
  • My house isn't always neat and tidy. At times, it looks like a tornado has gone through it or that it has been ransacked. 
  • Mount Washmore kicks my butt most of the time and let my ironing pile up. 
  • I am not a people person and think on the whole people suck. A lot of people have let me down and left bruises on my soul. So, I find it hard to trust and let people in. This makes me appear shy or stand offish. 
  • I cuss like a sailor. Sad, but true. It is one of my biggest weaknesses. I blame it on my teenage years, because it is what bad girls did back when I growing up. So in my rebellious age, I learned real well. To this day if I get tired, mad, or stressed, I could make a sailor blush with the words that come out of my mouth. 
  • I don't wash my hands every time I leave the bathroom. My hands are in soap and water most of the day anyway, so why bother. 
  • I love to cook and bake ~ when I want to. Sometimes, it is a struggle to get a dessert made and supper on the table. 
  • I get along better with men than I do women. Men have no pretense to them. They are who they are. Women wear to many masks and faces. 
  • I wear make-up for special occasions such as a family gatherings and date nights with DH. Most days I look au naturale.
Hope you enjoyed a glimpse at the real me and I didn't gross you out or turn you off too much! Simply keeping it real! 

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Snapshots; Part 9

Here is a glimpse into life around here lately!

We have had a lot of rain over the past few weeks. As a result our garden is doing well.

Our squash plants. I am so looking forward to grilled squash. Yummy!

The last of our lettuce.

Bell pepper plants and volunteer tomato plants.
My flowers are absolutely gorgeous this year.

Bee Balm flower.

More of the beauty

I am trying to bring as many as I can in for us to enjoy.

After weeks of hard work, our flower beds are weeded and in good shape. Although, I will have to start round 2 of weeding soon.

I love our brick patio area.

A decorative touch.

My daddy takes old sewing machines and turns them into tractors. This is his latest one.

He built the engine part of the tractor along with the gears, seats, and axels.

He has built 3 of them so far.

The last of our lettuce.

Miss Oakley posing much to her chagrin with a pretty flower. An update on how she is doing is coming soon to "A Life Lived Simply's" FB page.
Living life simply and simply loving every minute of it!

Monday, June 19, 2017

Boom, Crash, Bang

Well, Father's Day weekend didn't turn out like I thought it would. Something happened Thursday afternoon that caused all my plans to be thrown out the window. I was involved in a car accident. 

Thursday was going to be a busy day for us anyway. DD wanted to visit her friends she had made while working at our local library. She hadn't seen them in a week since her temporary job ended. So, I dropped her off while I went to Walmart in our small town to get groceries. When I finished, I picked up DD then we went home to unload the groceries. 

We had about a 30 minutes to wait before we headed out to DD's dentist appointment in a neighboring town about 20 minutes away. When we finished up at the dentist, we went by MacDonald's to get some lunch to go. We took our lunch to my in-laws house to eat. We were there to pick up something and to visit with them for a while. After I finished eating, I headed back to our small town to stop by the vet's office to pick up Miss Oakley's pain meds, which I had forgotten on our first trip that morning. DD decided she would stay at her grandparents house while I was gone and I am so glad she did. 

As I got back to my in-laws house and was getting to turn into their driveway, I had to stop in the road to wait on 3 cars to go by. As I was getting ready to turn; I saw a flash in my rear view mirror, felt a jolt, and heard a noise. The next thing I remember was a young girl and boy at my door asking me if I was okay. All of the details we a bit hazy, but I remembered I didn't want to get upset in front of them, because the young lady was so upset. I asked them if the were alright and told them I was going to pull of the road, then go in to my in-laws house for help. I pulled off the road on to a side road that is beside my in-laws property. As I was moving my car, I figured out what the noise was ~ it was my car! 

As I walked to my in-laws house, I was so shaky. I opened the door and hollered for my MIL. She came into the kitchen and I told her what happened. I sent DD for my FIL and then I lost it standing in the middle of the kitchen. When I calmed down, I went back outside. Someone had stopped to help. He called 911 and was directing traffic. While I was digging through my pocketbook looking for DH's work phone numbers, a sheriff's vehicle pulled up. I was so relieved to see it was one of my cousin's husband. Some how his presence calmed me even more. He called to see how long it would be before the trooper would show up. He also called the EMT's to come check me out, after my in-laws convinced me I needed to be checked out. 

The next hour or two was spent trying to contact DH, retelling what happened as other family members arrived. Getting checked out by the EMT's. Reassuring the young lady, her brother, and her father (who arrived a short time later), that although I was getting stiff and sore, I was okay and things like that happened. Everyone's heart went out to the young lady. She was so distraught and cried the whole time. To make matters worse, she had just graduated the weekend before. When trooper showed up, he took all of our information and wrote up the report. By then, we had finally got a hold of DH and he had shown up. As the minutes ticked by, my lower back began to get stiffer and stiffer. By the time everything was said and done; I was hot, exhausted, stiff, sore, and heart sick to have added another burden on to DH's plate.  

That night saw little sleep for me. I was sore and stiff. It was hard to get comfortable, even with muscle relaxers and pain pills in me. It also didn't help that for about the first hour, I kept getting hit over and over again. Finally, sleep came and I slept good for about 2 hours. 

When DH got home from work on Friday, he took me to the ER to get checked out again. Since I was so sore and stiff, he wanted to make sure I was okay and to document I had been seen in case anything happens in the future as a result of the hit I took. The ER doc said she didn't see any evidence or symptoms of anything being broken. She thought I was just suffering from the jolt I took. She told me to keep doing what I had been doing and to take an easy for a few days.  

When DH put pictures on FB of my car, someone commented that God had been right there with me. Although God is with us all of the time, there are times when you can really see Him working in your life. I know He was there through the whole ordeal with all of us involved. First of all, none of us were seriously hurt. The wreck happened right in front of my in-laws house. The first officer on the scene just happened upon it and was a relative of mine. The father of the young lady that hit me went to school with DH. We knew the tow driver that came to get her car. The trooper was the nicest trooper I have meet, which made me happy for the terrified young lady. God was definitely there and making things happen. 

The young lady that hit me has learned a valuable lesson from all of this. She freely admitted that she was distracted and didn't see me in the road. The evidence of that she hit me dead center in the back. She didn't have time to swerve one way or the other. She had to be going the speed limit or just under because she pushed me 50 some feet down the road. I didn't see her in my rear view which I always check before I stop to turn. I hate she had to learn a life lesson like that, but she will be better off for it. 

That whole afternoon was a blur. I am sure I will remember more details in the next few days. However, the thing that is in the forefront of my mind is I am so thankful DD wasn't with me and no one was seriously hurt. God was indeed with us that day and He is good! 

Friday, June 16, 2017

A Tribute To The Father Of Our Children

As Father's Day approaches, I want to take the time to thank the daddy of our two girls for all he does for our family, especially the blessing we have here on earth with us. 

Thank you; 
  • for working hard and taking on odd jobs to provide for all of our needs and a lot of our wants
  • for having more patience than I do with DD 
  • for spending time, taking her places, and doing things with DD so that I can get a little alone time
  • for encouraging and pushing our DD to get out of her comfort zone
  • for playing mediator between DD and I; and making us try to see where the other one is coming from
  • for not being afraid to take us to see girly movies and for sitting through movie nights at home while watching the Disney Princesses
  • for not being afraid to buy maxi pads for DD when she started her menstrual cycle
  • for being the strong male figure DD needs in her life 
  • for showing DD the right way ladies should be treated through the way you interact with me
  • for being the strong back when heavy lifting is called for
  • for being the spider killer for us because we are terrified of them
  • for caring for the things that are of interest to us
  • for being a role model of what a godly husband looks like and acts for DD 
We can never express how much you mean to us and we can never show you just how much we love you. You are our rock and our anchor. You are more than we deserve and we can't thank you enough for all you do for us. We love you!!!!! 
Happy Father's Day to all the daddy's out there! 

Thursday, June 15, 2017

The Purpose Of "A Life Lived Simply"

As a follower of Christ, I try my best to live by the truths, principles, and wisdom found in the word of God. So when God laid it upon my heart to start blogging again, a few verses of scripture came to mind ~ Titus 2: 3-5. It is a scripture very near to my heart and one I have tried to live. I have tried to share what little knowledge I have learned over the years as a wife and a housekeeper with my daughter, girls in a Keepers Of The Home group we were involved in, and young women in our former small group. Yet, the desire to share with more women was there and God gave me a clear vision of how to do that by blogging. So, I am stepping out in faith with this blog and letting God take care about reaching those who may benefit from it.

I felt that part of the purpose of this blog was to show younger women just how fulfilling a simple life could be. With all the shows and voices out there giving so many mixed messages about what it means to be a woman, a wife, or a mother; I wanted them to know there was nothing wrong with being a submissive wife. There is nothing wrong with wanting to care for your home and stay at home with your children. I wanted them to know joy can come from doing simple things like working a garden or spending time enjoying a meal outside with your family. I wanted them to know it is okay not to be on the go all of the time or busy with some sort of activity. I wanted them to know that some of the best pleasures in life are often the simplest ones; like going for a walk, taking a ride in the mountains, or snuggling in the bed with your spouse and a fur baby to watch a movie.

So it is here through this little blog where I will write down and share all the things I have learned about being a wife, mother, and home keeper over the years. I will share cleaning tips, organizational ideas, and recipes. I will give the readers little glimpses into our simple life through pictures and stories. It is here I will share a little bit of my heart and my faith. So join me as I continue my blogging journey! 

If you know someone that may benefit from this simple blog, please let them know. Let me know to, if you have found this blog helpful. I would love to hear suggestions for posts you would like to see and what types of posts are your favorite.

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

An Aspie Family

We are an Aspie family. What does that mean? Well, our 27 year old blessing here on earth has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high-functioning form of Autism. You can read about how we always knew something wasn't quite right and her diagnosis here. Life with her is at times frustrating, challenging, and hilarious. You can read more about what I mean here

People with Asperger's use more of their brain, but aren't able to process all the information they are receiving and it overwhelms them. The picture was taken from a 60 minutes interview in 2011. You can read more about brain HDFT scans here.

What causes Asperger's is still a mystery. Genetics plays a part, as does exposure to viruses and chemicals. With DD, we know genetics play a part, because one of nephews has it as well as my youngest BIL. The common link between the three is that all three had problems at birth. I do know that DD's symptoms really started after her scheduled 5 year old well-visit for her to get last vaccines before starting school. Coincidence? I don't know for sure, but it makes me wonder.

With her diagnosis coming when she was in her late 20's, we are still learning what it means to be an Asperger's family. The amazing thing, for me, is that we were using a lot of the suggestions and coping methods with her that are recommended. I am not sure how that came about other than may my educational courses I took in college kicked in without me realizing it. 

We are learning to make adjustments, mostly in our way of thinking. The things we use to think were acts of defiance or making things difficult are just the difference in the way we perceive things and the ways she perceives things. We are learning to let go of preconceived notions and let things develop the way they need to. We have eased off on things we needed too, but still stress things that will help her cope with the world and people around her. We are learning we don't have to make excuses over the way she does things. She is just being herself. We are finding that fine line between when to push her past her comfort zone and when it really isn't important. We are learning to advocate for her and her needs. 

In many ways, Asperger's defines who we are as a family and will always be a part of our life as a family. We know that the things we dreamed of happening when DD grew up, may never happen and that is okay. Our future and DD's future is in the Lord's hands. He has a plan for our lives. For it to work, we need to just get out of the way to let it happen as He wills it. All it takes is a little simple faith!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

ABC's Of Me; Part 2

I recently found another ABC prompt to use in order to let you know a little more about me. If you want to read Part 1 of the ABC's of me here

A: Age ~ 47 years old
B: Bed Size ~ King
C: Chore you hate ~ washing dishes
D: Dogs ~ 2 (Oakley and Snowflake
E: Essential start to your day ~ Breakfast
F: Favorite Color ~ Green, then Pink
G: Gold or Silver ~ Gold
H: Height ~ 5' 2"
I: Instrument You Play ~ Flute
J: Job Title ~ Stay at Home Wife/Mom, Finder of all lost things, Meal Fixer, and Calendar Keeper (Whew!)
K: Kids ~ Jacqueline (our angel) & Jessica (our blessing here on earth)
L: Live ~ in rural North Carolina
M: Maiden Name ~ Richey
N: Nickname ~ Salt Water Taffy
O: Overnight hospital stay ~ 3: Tonsils out age 5, C-section age 20, Hysterectomy age 41
P: Pet Peeve ~ rude people 
Q: Quote ~ "Every man dies. Not every man really lives." William Wallace from the movie Braveheart.
R: Righty or Lefty ~ Righty
S: Siblings ~ one younger brother
T: Time You Wake Up ~ around 8:00 am
U: University Attended ~ CCC & TI, App. State, LR University
V: Vegetable You Dislike ~ Green Beans
W: What Makes You Run Late ~ nervous bladder or tummy
X: X-Rays You Had ~ one of a broken bone in foot
Y: Yummy Food ~ Chocolate, Peanut Butter, Mexican Food, Beef Liver w/ Onion Gravy
Z: Zoo Animal Favorite ~ wolves, foxes, big cats  

Well, now you know a little more about me. I would love to learn a little more about you, so if you use this prompt anywhere on social media, leave me a comment with a link and I will pop by for a visit. 

Living life simply being me!  

Monday, June 12, 2017

Simply Me

A little over a year and a half ago, I started this little blog. I did so out of a calling I felt from God to pass on what I have learned over the years about being a wife and a mother. I also felt an urging to show that a life lived simply can be a life lived well. I have followed the calling and continue to feel that calling. So, I thought today I would start a relaunch of sorts and introduce myself again. 

I am a 40 year old (getting closer to 50) living in the South, which is more than a region it is a way of life centered around God, family, and food. I am a child of God and  have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I am trying to live my life in such a way that the love and glory of my heavenly Father will shine through. 

I have been happily married to my high school sweetheart for almost 30 years now. He is my rock and the other half of my heart. I believe he was appointed as the head of our household by God. I believe it is my duty as a follower of Christ to submit to his authority, an authority that he doesn't abuse in anyway. I couldn't ask for a more patient, giving, understanding, and loving man.  

We have 2 daughters; one an angel in heaven and a blessing here on earth. She has an hearing impairment that requires the use of hearing aides. She also has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high-functioning form of Autism. Needless to say, life can be very interesting around our house. We have fur babies; 2 dogs (Oakley & Snowflake), 2 cats (Copper and Bashful), and 8 egg laying hens. 

I am an individual that does NOT go along with the crowd. I am definitely more of a donkey than a sheep. I find my own path and take the road less traveled. I am not a people person and find it hard to let people in. I have been burned too many times by very close family members which has made it hard for me to trust. All of this makes me somewhat shy until I get to know you, then watch out, I can talk your ear off.

Political speaking, I am NEITHER republican or democrat. If I had to define my views, I would say I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe the Constitution is a document of negative powers that is meant to keep the federal government from interfering in our lives. I also believe in the rights of the states. I believe it is up to individuals, churches, and charities to care for those in need. I believe the government welfare system created another system of slavery that is hard to get out from underneath. I believe our system needs to go back to a system that is for the people and by the people, not a system for the sycophants and by the sycophants. I know everyone has their own ideas and opinions. I will gladly listen to your views with great respect and will think over points you have brought up, if you will give me the same consideration. 

Socially, I am conservative and adhere to my Biblical principles and truths. However, I will NOT interfere or belittle your beliefs, as long as you don't try to impose your beliefs on me. Although I am a follower of Christ and will share my beliefs with you if asked, I will NOT impose my beliefs on you.  Live the way you want, but don't expect me to condone it. I will respect your rights if you will do the same for me. We can agree to disagree. 

Well, that is a little bit of who I am and what I believe ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am a simply complicated person who loves fiercely and believes what I believe. I am simply me!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

A Relaunch Of Sorts

Good morning! Last week, I put a short post warning you about things looking wonky here at "A Life Lived Simply." I was toying with the theme of the template, color, and fonts. After all was said and done, I really like what I have. I did make a few minor changes and fixed some links that took a reader to the wrong thing. Now, I am in the process of updating and correcting the tabs at the top of the page and may yet change a few more things, but I need some input from you the reader. 

I know I have a few out there that read faithfully and would love to hear from you. What I want to know is what you like about the lay out of the blog or don't like? Green in my favorite color, but should I go with something lighter. Does the font and size of the font need to be adjust or changed? Is the side bar too cluttered? I would love to put up different widgets for FB and Bloglovin', but I am not sure how to do that. If you have any knowledge I may find useful, please, let me know. 

What kind of posts do you like? I am trying to balance things out, but I am not sure I am achieving a happy medium. Is there anything I am not posting about that I should? Would you like more posts that are personal and about our lives? 

I was given a vision when I started this blog and I am trying to follow that vision. I would like for this blog to grow, so if you have found my blog to be useful or inspiring in any way, would you please let your friends and family know about it. However if this blog is reaching the people that it needed to reach, then I will be happy with that. I am content with letting God lead the way and using this blog as He see fit. I would love to hear from you, so please, leave me a comment on here or at "A Life Lived Simply's" FB page.  

I hope to be back to posting regularly next week. I will be reintroducing myself, my family, and this purpose behind this blog. So stay tuned! Have a simply wonderful, blessed week!  

Friday, June 2, 2017

Memorial Day Weekend 2017 Recap

Our Memorial Day Weekend was a laid back kinda of an affair. While most everyone else was out and about fighting the crowds and sitting in traffic, we spent our weekend at home ~ eating good food, going to a family gathering, going to a movie, out to eat, and lots of work accomplished outside. The perfect weekend for us. 

DH worked till 11:00 am on Friday, then spent the afternoon running errands. DD had to work til 1:30 pm, then spent the afternoon catching up on some chores. I took DD to work and DH picked her up. When I got home from dropping her off at work, I straightened up the house, then headed outside to work in my flower beds. I worked outside til 4:00, then came and got cleaned up. I spent the rest of the afternoon working on supper and on table decorations. I told DH I wanted to eat outside since it was so nice and I went all out. I am trying to put one of the words I choose at the beginning of the year in to practice by doing special things for my family. 

The table decoration turned out great. Most everything I used I had on hand or made. I did spend $1.00 to buy red paper napkins. We didn't get to eat on the deck where we originally decided to set up the table. When it came time to eat, it had too much sun shining on it, so we moved everything to the fire pit patio. We had a nice supper, enjoyed being outside, and spending time together. After supper and cleaning up, we settled in the bed with Miss Oakley to watch "Logan."

The centerpiece is made up a cake stand I got from my maternal grandmother. I added 3 painted pots from DD's college graduation that held utensils. I put in some napkins and then added table toppers I got from Party City. The ruffle underneath the cake stand was made by me out of paper napkins. It wasn't perfect but it did its job for the night.

The centerpiece.

I took a blue and a white paper napkin and tucked them inside the red napkins, then folded them into a diamond shape fold. You can find the instructions here.

We moved the table into the shade and enjoyed our view.

This was our supper; grilled New York Strips, twice-baked potatoes, and oven roasted asparagus. I nailed the asparagus this time. I just need to remember what I did.

Saturday morning, we were all up early and got busy on chores. DH had a few things to do at his parents. DD started on her Saturday chores. I did my morning routine and headed outside as soon as I could. DH was home by lunch and afterwards he started mowing. I went back out and worked until my grass allergy ran me in. Later that evening, we headed over to DH's parent's house for our nephew-in-law's birthday dinner. We had good food, great conversations, and kept entertained by our youngest nephew and great- nephews. The most exciting part of the night was when the boys found a turtle. 

Sunday morning was a lazy morning. We fixed BTL sandwiches for breakfast and fresh strawberries. Afterwards, we got ready to go movies. We went to see "Guardians Of The Galaxy, VOL. 2" and it did NOT disappoint. We LOVED it. I want a baby Groot for my very own.  We headed back home for a while to put Oakley out and fix her something to eat, then we went back out to eat supper. We decided to go to one of our favorite grilles instead of driving back across town to eat a restaurant we had gift cards for. back home we settled down in the bed with Miss Oakley to watch The Cocoa Cola 600. 

The BLTs were as good as the ingredients look.

Of course, you can't make a sandwich without Duke's mayo on it.
Monday morning, DH headed back over to his parents to finish something. DD didn't have to work and kept herself occupied. I got busy cleaning my kitchen, which needed it desperately. DH was home before lunch. He worked on a few odds and ends. After lunch, he stayed in and relaxed the rest of the day. When I finished up the kitchen, I joined him. We closed out the day watching tv with Miss Oakley. 

It was the perfect type of holiday weekend for us, filled with food, family, and fun with a little work thrown in! It was simply perfect!


The only thing that we didn't get to do this weekend that we wanted to was taking a ride up in the mountains, but there is always this weekend!