Wednesday, June 8, 2016

A Journey To Weigth Loss

Like most Americans, I am over weight. According to the medical world, I am obese. However, I have seen many truly obese people and I don't come close to that, but I am over weight. Being over weight has effected my health and my energy level. I don't like that feeling and have set out to make changes in my life, our life really. 

The first step was changing the food we eat. Over the past several years, I have made significant changes to our diet. Nothing drastic, but small changes that made a difference. You can read about those changes here. 

The second step happened 5 years ago. I had a hysterectomy. It was the BEST thing I have ever done. 

With each passing year, my menstrual cycle became steady worse. The blood loss I experienced was so severe that I was very anemic. I was also experiencing severe cramps and a nagging pain in my back on the right side. A trip to the chiropractor usually eased the problem, so I never connected the pain to my cycle. The week before my cycle was to start and the week of, I had no energy. I spent most of the time on the couch. Doing what was necessary, but nothing else. I hated feeling like that. I hated it. 

After one particular bad month, I decided I couldn't take it anymore. DH was tried of seeing me in pain and drained. I had an appointment coming up with my OBGYN, so when the visit came we discussed a hysterectomy. My doctor consented and we scheduled the surgery for May. 

The surgery took longer than expected. As the doctor progressed with the surgery, he found I had endometriosis so bad on my right ovary that it had itself to the pelvic wall. He ended up removing most of that ovary, but my left was fine. He said that was the reason for the pain on my right side. 

My recovery from surgery went beautifully. I took all the advice I had received. I rested and I walked. Several weeks into my recovery, I noticed I had started losing weight. I also noticed I wasn't as hungry as I use to be and wasn't eating as much. 

The surgery had given me my life back. The tried, drained feeling was gone. I didn't want to go back to the way I felt again. So, we started to walk more. I continued to cut back on the amount of food I ate. That along with the changes in our diet begin to show up in my body and on the scales. My biggest total lose is 29 pounds. That number fluctuates from week to week, but I don't let it worry me. 

People have noticed and asked me what I was doing or what diet was I on. I tell them it isn't any special diet or program. I just cut back on the amount of food I eat, but I eat what I want. I incorporated more fresh fruits and veggies into our diet. I avoid processed foods as much as I can.  I drink a LOT of water. I limit my soft drink intake to one glass at each meal, but drink more if I feel like it. I walk, walk, and walk; when I can. I work outside in my flowers and garden as much as I can. I give myself one day a week to eat as much as I want and what I want. There are plenty of times I don't stick to my plan, but I don't beat myself up over it. 

I still have a LOT more to lose, but I know it is a process. I also know that the slower you lose weight the easier it is to keep it off, so I happy at the pace I am losing. I am also motivated by other families members who health has suffered due to being over weight. I don't want to go down the same road they have went down. 

Weight lose is a journey that you have to decide to go on. The trip may take awhile, but it so worth the time. It may just be simply one of the best journeys I have embarked on. 

Living life simply and enjoying every minute of it! 

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