Thursday, June 9, 2016

Just Chillin' & Relaxin'

On those rare moments where I have nothing to do and time on my hands, there are several things I like to do. Some of them are crafty things. Others are silly and almost child like. All of them are fun and relaxing for me to do. 

What I Do To Chill & Relax
  • I like to embroider. I find the methodical, repeating nature of it allows my mind to relax. It is something that can be done that doesn't require a lot of thinking. I am currently working on an apron for me. 
  • I like to color. I always have. So when the adult coloring book crazy hit, I couldn't have been happier. I have several now and have enjoyed my time figuring out the colors to use and just coloring. 
  • I love reading. I can read most anything. I enjoy romance novels - historical and Christian. I enjoying read bios and books on history. You will find me reading cook books, homekeeping books, and gardening books, too. Losing myself in the story or learning something knew is a great way for me to relax. 
  • I like to scrap book. I have mounds of supplies and pictures. Being able to spend a day or two being able to put together scrapbooking pages puts me in my happy place.
  • When I don't want to think a lot or just need an escape, I like to play Farmville on FB. It is easy to do and doesn't require a lot of focus. 
  • I also like to solve Nancy Drew Mysteries. These games get me to thinking, but have a lot of fun puzzles and games in them that make them a lot of fun. I ask for them as a Christmas presents. 
  • Walking. Yes, walking. Not only does it help me with my weight loss journey, it is a good way to clear your head and unwind. 
  • Naps, I love naps. On a real cold winter's day, there is nothing like curling up under a warm fleece blanket and drifting off. During those hot, humid days of summer that drain you of all of your energy, a nap in a cool room with a fan running is a great way to refresh you body and mind. 
Those are some of the ways I fill my spare or free time doing. What things do you like to do when you are just chillin' and relaxin'? Leave a comment and let me know!
Simply enjoying those rare moments I have all to myself to do something I love to do! 

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