Monday, January 2, 2017

Why Blog? Why This Blog?

"A Life Lived Simply" reaches a milestone this week. It is turning one year old. As of today, I have been blogging for a whole calendar year. Wednesday, Jan. 4th, is the official one year mark of this blog. It has a been a good year. 

I have been blogging off and on since 2006. I have had a home schooling blog, a homesteading blog, and another "Life Lived Simply" blog. I enjoyed doing those, but they soon became a burden to me and a chore. So, I quit. I never thought I would blog again, because I just couldn't find the time or a real desire to do it. I felt like it was just something I was trying because everyone else was doing it, too. 

Well, if you have been reading at all this past year, you know I am one that normally doesn't follow the crowd. So I why was I following the blogging trend. I just couldn't figure it out. So, I decided to step away from it for good. However, God had other plans for me. 

In the Summer and Fall of 2015, I started getting this nudge to blog again. I would be doing something and think this would be a good thing to blog about. Or, I would be fixing a meal and think this would be a good blog post. I honestly didn't know where those thoughts were coming from. I just didn't have time to blog. Yet, I kept getting that nudge. It finally hit me maybe it wasn't me having those thoughts maybe it was coming from someone else. 

All that Summer and Fall, I was also coming to terms with DD's Asperger's. A lot of stuff started coming to light and I realized that I would have to set aside some of the dreams I had as a momma. I had to face the fact that a marriage for my DD and grandchildren for me just may not be in our future for the time being. I also had to come to terms with the fact that DD would not be walking in my footsteps as a person who liked to clean, cook, and craft. So all the thoughts I had of passing on things I loved and had learned to DD had to be put aside. Yet, I had a desire to pass that stuff along to someone, but the question was how? 

So as the nudging became stronger to blog and I was trying to figure out how could I pass along what I had learned, these scripture verses kept coming to mind. Titus 2: 3 - 5 "The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;  That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed." Why did these verses keep coming to mind? It was then, I realized the nudging could be coming from God. Could it be that blogging again could be a way for me to pass on what I had learned? It was time for God and I to have a little talk. 

In the quiet of the night, I asked God if it was His will for me to start a blog again to let me know in some way. And, if it was His will, He was going to have to give me a clear direction as to how to go about it. He was going to have to help me not make it a burden or a chore to do. He was going to have to give me some humility to help me from seeming pompous or holier than thou. He was going to have to help me to find a way to pass on what I have learned and my faith in a way as to not make others feel bad about themselves or compare their season of life to the season of life that I am in. So, I stepped out in faith and began blogging. 

Blogging has been easy this time around. I have had a clear direction on what to blog and when to blog. I haven't stressed when I didn't have time to get a planned post up. I haven't worried about how many people are reading. I haven't worried about turning it into a money making thing. I haven't worried about anything. I have shared my heart, my faith, and what I have learned on my journey through life. The best thing of all it has brought me joy. Joy is an important thing in making something success. 

This blog has not reached a lot of people, but that is okay. I have asked God to see that it reaches the people it needs to reach and that the people that need to learn something from it will find their way here. I am not after recognition or fame, but if I can help one person out there with something then I will feel like I have accomplished my mission. It really isn't my blog anyway. It is God's blog and that is the way it should be. 

Living a simple life and simply in love with blogging! 

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