Monday, January 9, 2017

A Christmas Recap: Christmas Eve

Our Christmas was one of the most relaxing ones we ever had. Due to Christmas being on a Sunday, both sides of the families decide to do our family gatherings a day early on Christmas Eve. That meant we could have a relaxing Christmas morning without having to rush to get ready to go somewhere. It also meant, I could fix Christmas morning breakfast for our little family. I made the most of it too. 

We usually gather with my side of our family at my parents' home on Christmas morning for breakfast. Afterwards, we would unwrap our gifts. Normally, we would have to load up the car with our gifts, run home to unload and reload with more gifts then rush over to DH's parents' house for Christmas lunch. However, with the plans changing this year to Christmas Eve and a later time set my DH's parents' house, we able to take our time at my parents' house. We had a yummy breakfast of country ham biscuits, eggs, sausage gravy -n- biscuits, fruit with dip, cheese and strawberry danishes. We let our food settle before we started exchanging gifts. Afterwards, we sat around talking and enjoying each others company.

When we made our way home, we were able to take our time unloading and loading the car to go to DH's parents house. We also had time to look at and admire the gifts we had received. 

My parents gave me this apple tea set, which fits in perfectly with the rest of our kitchen. They also gave me some spending money. DH and I also received some little items including a new can of Rawleigh salve we desperately needed.

The plates.

The tea pot and 6 cups. I see hot chocolate being served in these in the future.

My brother, his wife, and my nephews gave me a monogrammed thermal lunchbox that I adore as well as the lovely red pitcher with a request to have my homemade lemonade served in it soon.
Around 1:00, we headed to my in-laws house. All of us soon gathered including a very special guest - our step niece that lives in Alaska. She came in this year for Christmas and it had been a while since we had seen her, so we excited to see her. We feasted on a spiral honey ham, cream potatoes, mac-n-cheese, corn, green beans, and rolls. It wasn't long before our little ones - our nephew and our 2 great nephews were asking to open presents, then the madness begins. We could literal drown in all the wrapping paper piling up in the sun room. Later, we sat and enjoy watching the little ones play with their gifts which included a toy John Deere front end loader driving through the house. It was almost dark when we headed home with our full bellies and our loot. 

My FIL and MIl gave me a goodie bag full of my favorite fragrance from B & BW's and the cookbook I requested from Cook's Country. They also gave me some spending money and a gift card to my favorite store, Hobby Lobby.

My youngest  BIL gave me another cookbook I requested. My other BIL, his girlfriend, and his son gave us gift cards to some of our favorite restaurants. Our niece, her husband, and their kids gave us a gift card to our favorite restaurant ~ Outback. My step-niece in from Alaska gave us some honey and tea leaves, as well as a Christmas tree ornament to put on our tree, so she and her husband would always be with us in spirit during the Christmas season. 

As it was nearing bedtime, we each opened one of our presents from each other. This has been a tradition in our house since the very beginning. We were soon headed off to bed relaxed and thankful for such a great Christmas Eve. 

Loving every minute of our simple life!    

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