Monday, June 12, 2017

Simply Me

A little over a year and a half ago, I started this little blog. I did so out of a calling I felt from God to pass on what I have learned over the years about being a wife and a mother. I also felt an urging to show that a life lived simply can be a life lived well. I have followed the calling and continue to feel that calling. So, I thought today I would start a relaunch of sorts and introduce myself again. 

I am a 40 year old (getting closer to 50) living in the South, which is more than a region it is a way of life centered around God, family, and food. I am a child of God and  have accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I am trying to live my life in such a way that the love and glory of my heavenly Father will shine through. 

I have been happily married to my high school sweetheart for almost 30 years now. He is my rock and the other half of my heart. I believe he was appointed as the head of our household by God. I believe it is my duty as a follower of Christ to submit to his authority, an authority that he doesn't abuse in anyway. I couldn't ask for a more patient, giving, understanding, and loving man.  

We have 2 daughters; one an angel in heaven and a blessing here on earth. She has an hearing impairment that requires the use of hearing aides. She also has Asperger's Syndrome, which is a high-functioning form of Autism. Needless to say, life can be very interesting around our house. We have fur babies; 2 dogs (Oakley & Snowflake), 2 cats (Copper and Bashful), and 8 egg laying hens. 

I am an individual that does NOT go along with the crowd. I am definitely more of a donkey than a sheep. I find my own path and take the road less traveled. I am not a people person and find it hard to let people in. I have been burned too many times by very close family members which has made it hard for me to trust. All of this makes me somewhat shy until I get to know you, then watch out, I can talk your ear off.

Political speaking, I am NEITHER republican or democrat. If I had to define my views, I would say I am a Constitutional Conservative. I believe the Constitution is a document of negative powers that is meant to keep the federal government from interfering in our lives. I also believe in the rights of the states. I believe it is up to individuals, churches, and charities to care for those in need. I believe the government welfare system created another system of slavery that is hard to get out from underneath. I believe our system needs to go back to a system that is for the people and by the people, not a system for the sycophants and by the sycophants. I know everyone has their own ideas and opinions. I will gladly listen to your views with great respect and will think over points you have brought up, if you will give me the same consideration. 

Socially, I am conservative and adhere to my Biblical principles and truths. However, I will NOT interfere or belittle your beliefs, as long as you don't try to impose your beliefs on me. Although I am a follower of Christ and will share my beliefs with you if asked, I will NOT impose my beliefs on you.  Live the way you want, but don't expect me to condone it. I will respect your rights if you will do the same for me. We can agree to disagree. 

Well, that is a little bit of who I am and what I believe ~ the good, the bad, and the ugly. I am a simply complicated person who loves fiercely and believes what I believe. I am simply me!

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