Thursday, June 22, 2017

A Little Bit Of This...

A Little Bit Of That

This will probably become a regular feature around here. It will be a good way to share those little things that pop into my mind and can't be made into a whole post. So, here goes! 

  • Walmart Savings Catcher: I am in love with this feature. We started doing this over 10 months ago and have gotten around $56 back. We bought our outdoor lights in the spring with some of the money. DH recently bought shorts and socks with some of the money. It is an easy way to earn some money back from something you have to do every week. It is easy to set up and to put in your receipt code. Just go to Walmart Savings Catcher
  • DD's temporary job: Her job at our local library ended over two weeks ago. They are hoping to be able to hire her back for a permanent part position in the near future. Please, send up prayers for this to happen. 
  • Planner Bandwagon: I have been lusting over a "Erin Condren" planner for a couple of years now. I was about the take the plunge when I heard that Michael's had just put out a similar planner and it was cheaper. So I headed there to check them out and ended up coming home with one. I think I am going to like it. Once I get into using it, I will put up a bigger  post about it. 
  • Grill Mat: Apparently, these things are all the rage. My FIL ordered a set and gave us one to try. We haven't used it, yet. DH said he thought it would be just the thing to grill squash on. It is suppose to leave grill marks and impart the grilled flavor to foods. So, we shall see and when we do, I let you know how it turns out. 
  • Outlander: I heard about this tv series and the set of books the tv series is based on from Brittany at "Life Of Charmings." As soon as, I read about it I knew it would be a series I would be interested in. I have read the first book and am on the second one. I love them. The story is great and it involves history and time travel. That is just what this semi-nerd loves. I hope to rent the first two seasons soon. 
  • Computer Time: I was spending too much time on the computer during the day reading blogs and looking at Instagram accounts. This took time away from getting chores done and time I could using to blog. I was trying to find a way I could fit reading blogs and found that time in a round about way. DH recently bought a tablet so we could get on the net without being tied down to the desktop. It helped with my blog reading problem. I use the tablet a night to read blogs when DH has already gone to bed and I am still up watching tv. It was the perfect solution, because it was time being wasted. I don't like not making use of all the time available to me. 
  • Back To The Docs: I went to see my doctor yesterday. My belly and thighs started swelling on Monday afternoon. They were still swollen on Tuesday afternoon when DH got home. He told me to call our doctor to get it checked out. I did and after talking to the nurse to assess the situation, I got an appointment for the following day. The doc said the swelling was from my belly being bruised by the seat belt in the wreck. He checked my hemoglobin just to make sure I wasn't anemic, which would indicate internal bleeding. It was fine. So, he sent me home and told me to take an easy for the next few days. So thankful it wasn't a serious issue. God is good! 

Well, that is all for "A Little Bit Of This, A Little Bit Of That." 

Living life simply and thankful for every minute of it! 

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