Wednesday, June 28, 2017

A Week Of Veggie Side Dishes: Sauteed Veggies

I love a medley of veggies steamed, grilled, or sauteed. I have steamed veggies. DH has grilled veggies. However, I have never fixed sauteed veggies and I wasn't quite sure how to do it. As I started looking through recipes, I was pretty sure I come up with some edible. This following recipe is the result of my efforts. As with most recipes, it can be tailored to your family's taste. I have also found that adding the ingredients in a certain order that allows the veggies to get the cooking time they need.

Here is what you will need:

  • 3 to 5 Tbsps of butter
  • a medium onion, sliced (I use a white or yellow onion, but if I have a red one on hand I use it.)
  • a half of a big bell pepper, sliced (I use a combo of different colored peppers. I don't put in as much bell pepper as I do the other veggie, because it gives DH acid reflux.)
  • an 8 oz container of white button mushrooms, sliced (I remove the stems.)
  • a small bag of baby carrots or 1 to 2 carrots sliced diagonally in to planks
  • several florets of broccoli and cauliflower cut in to bite size pieces 
  • garlic salt, black pepper, onion powder, and red pepper flakes (just a few flakes to give the dish a little bit of a kick.) ~ all of this to taste or add your favorite spices and herbs 
Start with melting about 3 Tbsps of butter in a frying pan or saute pan. While it is melting slice the onion up, then add it to the pan. Do the same with the bell pepper. Stir occasionally. 

While the onion and bell pepper is cooking, look over the baby carrots for bad spots and cut the bigger ones in half length-wise or peel and slice the carrots. Add the carrots to the pan. Stir occasionally. If you find the pan getting low on moisture add more butter.
Start on the mushrooms next. Remove the stems, then slice up the mushrooms. Add to the pan. I start adding the herbs at this time. Stir occasionally. 
The broccoli and cauliflower are the next items to prepare. Cut them into bite size pieces and add to the pan. Stir occasionally.
At this point the onions, bell peppers, and carrots should be getting soft. The mushrooms should be changing color. I continue sauteing until the broccoli had changed into a darker green and the cauliflower has softened. Be sure to taste check the dish along the way to see if you need to add more herbs or spices.

The finished product.
This dish is family tested and approved, even by our picker eater ~ our DD. It is good with any kind of meat. It also goes great with any kind of meat and potato meal. It is relatively healthy, even with the butter. It is not that hard to make, although it does require a lot of slicing. It is just simply a great dish to know how to make!

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