Wednesday, January 6, 2016

I Am A Child Of God

Years ago, I repented of my sins and accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. By the sacrifice of His blood, I have been redeemed and have been made into a new being. Though I have been made new, I am still a flawed being that needs forgiveness daily. True perfection can only be found in God and though I am saved I am far from perfect. 

God the Creator is my heavenly Father. I have no qualms in declaring I am a child of God. He is my shield, my guide, and my protector. I am trying to live my life in such a way that is pleasing to Him. That means putting aside my wants and fleshly desires to follow His commands. It isn't always easy and I am by no means a perfect child, but I want to be a child after my heavenly Father's heart. 

So many people claim the title of Christian today but fail to live up to God's laws and commandments. The Bible says that you will know the truth of a person's claim of Christian by the fruits they bear. Sadly, many people that claim to be a Christian bear rotten fruit. I don't want to be one of those people. I want to live my life in such a way that the love and light of the Lord shine through my life. I won't always get it right. There will be times I will need to be pruned, before I can bear good fruits again. The key is to keep on trying, striving each day to live up to God's laws and commands. 

In today world, many people feel that it is restrictive to live up to a way of life set down by what they call an imaginary sky being. They fail to see the world we live as a beautiful creation crafted by the Master Artist. They believe the world came into being by some mechanism of science. They fail to see the loving hand that guides us through life only wanting the best for us, but still giving us the choice of freedom. 

God is very real to me. He guides my life and the way I live my life. His laws and commands shape every aspect of my life; from my private life to my public life. His laws and commands shape how I view things; from cultural morays to my political views. He is the center of my life and I am blessed to say that I am a child of His.

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