Monday, January 4, 2016

Here I Go Again

Hello, blogging world! I'm back! Ready to blog again! 

When I deleted my blog last spring, I really thought I was finished blogging. It was hard for me to find the time to devote to it. However, things changed. Over the summer, so many things changed in our lives and in the life of this country. All of those changes started a feeling of being prompted to blog again. I am not sure where the prompting is going to lead me, but I am going to go with it. 

I think part of it is that I feel like people are looking for something real, something they can relate to. I have looked for blogs to read and enjoy, but it is hard for me to find one that interests me or that I can relate to. I want something real, something simple.

I am not interested in fashion blogs. I don't buy my clothes from Dillard's, Belk, or Macy's. Most of my clothes come from Walmart. I HATE shoes and very rarely wear high heel shoes. I am not fussy about my hair or my make-up. I am a classic, simple kind of lady. 

I love interior design, but most of those blogs don't promote the cozy, warm, homey look I like. I like to be surrounded by things that mean something to our family and me. Yes, I have crocheted doilies on our tabletops and am proud of it, because they were made by the hands of my grandmother and my husband's grandmother's. 

I like homemaking and homekeeping blogs, but feel stressed when I read some accounts of homemakers and all they are able to accomplish. I am a stay at home wife who likes to take care of our house, cook, bake, garden, scrapbook, read, and embroider; but I am not a super woman. My house isn't always clean and neat. Supper sometimes comes out of a box and I buy sweets for desserts. I very rarely have time for my hobbies. 

Homeschooling is of interest to me, but you rarely find blogs about parents homeschooling just one child.  I admire those families with multiple children, home school, and have a small farm to take care of, but that wasn't our experience. 

Another thing that has prompted me to start blogging again is the view people of this country have of people calling themselves Christians. A lot of people seem to think we are a hypocritical, judgmental group of people who don't practice what they preach and they have a lot of reasons to think so. They think Christians who believe in the Bible, its principles, and the Biblical account of creation are backward, uneducated hicks. When the world encounters someone who is trying to live their faith and doesn't turn out to be what they thought, it thoroughly confuses them. To muddle the mix even more, there are mixed views on what it is to be Christian by Christians themselves. Maybe through this blog I can change some of those misconceptions. 

I don't know where this journey will lead me, but I do know this; it will be a real one. I will share the ups, the downs, the triumphs, the defeats. I will share what I have learned from being a wife and mother for almost 30 years now. I will share things that have helped us make our lives a simple one. I will share this simply extraordinary, ordinary life with you. So come along for the ride! 

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