Tuesday, January 5, 2016

An Individual

Have you ever stopped and thought just who you are? We all wear many different hats in our lives and have identities such as momma, wife, sister, daughter, but that is not what I am talking about. I am talking about the person underneath all of that. The core of what makes you, you. This has been on my mind a lot, lately. Who am I at the core of my being?

Am I one of the many that will go along with the crowd? Can I be one of those people who can take being separated from a crowd and dare to different? Do I have the courage of my convictions to stand up for what I say I believe? 

After much thought, I can say I AM AN INDIVIDUAL. I am my own person, but a person who is a child of God. I am not one to go along with the crowd. I have a sense of what direction I am being lead to follow and do so, even though it isn't the popular way. When I like something, it is strictly because I like it; not because everyone else appears to be interested in it.

I am more of a classic, elegant, old-fashion, modest, kinda of gal when it comes to fashion. The latest fads and trends don't interest me. The latest and greatest of anything really has no pull with me.

Manners and courtesy mean a great deal to me and I try my best to show these attributes to everyone I meet. Rude and crude behavior will not find you on my good side.  I deal with people honestly, truthfully, and fairly. I expect to be treated the same way. I admire hard work and try to exhibit a strong work ethic myself. I have a college degree, but know that a piece of paper in no way shape or form makes me better than anyone else. I know how you conduct yourself has more of an impact on people than any money, fame, or letters after your name ever will.

The fact that we live in a mobile home doesn't bother me. I am blessed with our little home that DH has worked hard to make. Our cars have peeling paint and are 2 decades or older; however, they get us where we need to go and that is all anyone really needs, isn't it?

I am who God made me to be; a flawed person trying her best to live the life God would have her to live. I am trying to be the wife and mother He has made me. I have made mistakes and will continue to make them. I won't always get things right, but I will always try again. I love this simple little life I have been blessed with and try to live each day to its fullest. I AM simply an INDIVIDUAL living a simple life! 

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