Monday, February 29, 2016

Are You A Sheep Or A Donkey?

In our area of the country,  we have a coyote problem. They have been known to gang up on a cow, goat, or sheep giving birth, killing the newborn and its mother. They have also been known to pick off the smaller and weaker animals in a herd or to pick off an animal that strayed away from the majority of the herd. Some farmers have taken to putting a guard donkey in their herds. The donkey senses the danger, brays loudly to warn of the danger, and will even confront the predator to keep the herd safe. Guard donkeys and the animals they protect got me to thinking one day about different types of people. I came to this conclusion; there are two types of people in this world, sheep or donkey.

Jesus used the shepherd and the sheep to talk about His love and relationship with the body of believers that made up the church. It is a good analogy. Sheep trust their shepherd to guide them where they need to go and to provide protection for them. It was an analogy the people in Biblical times could understand because it was part of the fabric of life in their area. 

However, there is another quirk about sheep, they follow someone blindly without giving any thought to where it may lead them. Once the flock or an individual member of the flock starts moving in one direction, all of the others fall right behind them. They don't stop to think for themselves they just go. They also have a tendency of getting stressed out when they become separated from the rest of the flock. Shepherds use their flock mentality to keep them together and move them with ease.

Donkeys are quite different form sheep. They are known for being stubborn. However, I see donkeys as an independent minded animal that is not easily moved. They are cautious animals with a high sense of self preservation. They are intelligent animals that study situations, people, and have to make up their own minds about something. Once a donkey knows he can trust and have confidence in someone, they become willing, hard-working, friendly animals. 

Now how does all of that relate to people. The behavior of the sheep and the donkey speaks volumes about people behave today. By placing people into these two types; it is easy to see who is of the world and those in the world. 

Sheep are people that are of the world and living in a worldly way. They conform to the world's way of thinking about people and their behaviors. They are conformist of the worse kind, because they don't seem to realize that they aren't thinking for themselves. They blindly follow whatever culture is dictating at the time. They are afraid to take a stand or to be different, because they can't handle being separated from the flock. They blindly follow people, public whims, and warped views of the culture without every stopping to think what harm they maybe doing to themselves and others. Sheep can't see the danger that is often right in front of them. 

Sheep are everywhere. If you don't believe, go to a public place to do a little people (sheep) watching. How many people do you see using their smart phones and are ignoring the people they are with? How many young ladies and young men do you see that are almost clones of each other with their choice of clothing and their looks? You really want to see sheep go to a high school or college campus. The students at both places claim to follow the beat of their own drummer. What they fail to see is that they are the biggest non-conformist, conformist in the culture.

Christians even fall into the destructive sheep mind-set when they makes statements like; "The church needs to change with the times.", "We shouldn't judge people, because we haven't walked in their shoes.", or my personal favorite "But God is a God of love." What they fail to see is that they are trying to make the church of the world, instead of being a separate people not of the world but in the world. They don't want to appear to be different from the world, because the thought of losing the world's approval frightens them. They want to claim Jesus with their lips, but are afraid to live Jesus in their lives. By doing so they are weakening the Gospel and the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross for us. 

Donkeys are people that are in the world. They have placed their trust and faith in the Lord. They are independent enough to make decisions without the influence of anyone except for their master. They are non-conformist when it comes to the ways of the world. They aren't afraid to stand out and be different from those around them. If they like something, it is because they choose to like, not because everyone else does. They question the world and public whims. They go into a situation with their eyes wide open, looking for information, so that they can make an informed decision. They are often braying a warning for the sheep of danger close by. 

There are donkeys out there. Often times, they will stand out in a crowd. They are the people out there enjoying each others company. They have a sense of fashion and style that is they own. They like the things that appeal to them, whether it is the popular thing or not. They dare to be different. They dare to be the person God made them to be. They are the conformist, non-conformist. They are an individual. 

Donkeys are the Christians that are trying their best to let the love and light of God shine through their actions and deeds, not just through their words. They realize being a Christian isn't the easy thing to do. They know that God is a God of love but He is also a jealous God that can be a God of vengeance. He is a God that will hand out judgments and will judge us all one day. Donkeys know that Christians aren't to judge people of the world, but we have an obligation to rebuke one that calls themselves a brother or a sister in Christ out of love and concern for that person. Donkeys also aren't afraid to share the truth because they realize that there are going to be a lot of people loved right into Hell. They realize they aren't perfect and above reproach, but they try to live each day according to God's laws and commandments. They aren't afraid to proclaim God as their Father and Jesus as their Savior. They are unashamed to be in the world and not of the world.

Now, which are you? A sheep or a donkey? As for me, I am more of a donkey, but I will admit, I still have some sheep characteristics to work on. 

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." Romans 12:2

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