Monday, June 19, 2017

Boom, Crash, Bang

Well, Father's Day weekend didn't turn out like I thought it would. Something happened Thursday afternoon that caused all my plans to be thrown out the window. I was involved in a car accident. 

Thursday was going to be a busy day for us anyway. DD wanted to visit her friends she had made while working at our local library. She hadn't seen them in a week since her temporary job ended. So, I dropped her off while I went to Walmart in our small town to get groceries. When I finished, I picked up DD then we went home to unload the groceries. 

We had about a 30 minutes to wait before we headed out to DD's dentist appointment in a neighboring town about 20 minutes away. When we finished up at the dentist, we went by MacDonald's to get some lunch to go. We took our lunch to my in-laws house to eat. We were there to pick up something and to visit with them for a while. After I finished eating, I headed back to our small town to stop by the vet's office to pick up Miss Oakley's pain meds, which I had forgotten on our first trip that morning. DD decided she would stay at her grandparents house while I was gone and I am so glad she did. 

As I got back to my in-laws house and was getting to turn into their driveway, I had to stop in the road to wait on 3 cars to go by. As I was getting ready to turn; I saw a flash in my rear view mirror, felt a jolt, and heard a noise. The next thing I remember was a young girl and boy at my door asking me if I was okay. All of the details we a bit hazy, but I remembered I didn't want to get upset in front of them, because the young lady was so upset. I asked them if the were alright and told them I was going to pull of the road, then go in to my in-laws house for help. I pulled off the road on to a side road that is beside my in-laws property. As I was moving my car, I figured out what the noise was ~ it was my car! 

As I walked to my in-laws house, I was so shaky. I opened the door and hollered for my MIL. She came into the kitchen and I told her what happened. I sent DD for my FIL and then I lost it standing in the middle of the kitchen. When I calmed down, I went back outside. Someone had stopped to help. He called 911 and was directing traffic. While I was digging through my pocketbook looking for DH's work phone numbers, a sheriff's vehicle pulled up. I was so relieved to see it was one of my cousin's husband. Some how his presence calmed me even more. He called to see how long it would be before the trooper would show up. He also called the EMT's to come check me out, after my in-laws convinced me I needed to be checked out. 

The next hour or two was spent trying to contact DH, retelling what happened as other family members arrived. Getting checked out by the EMT's. Reassuring the young lady, her brother, and her father (who arrived a short time later), that although I was getting stiff and sore, I was okay and things like that happened. Everyone's heart went out to the young lady. She was so distraught and cried the whole time. To make matters worse, she had just graduated the weekend before. When trooper showed up, he took all of our information and wrote up the report. By then, we had finally got a hold of DH and he had shown up. As the minutes ticked by, my lower back began to get stiffer and stiffer. By the time everything was said and done; I was hot, exhausted, stiff, sore, and heart sick to have added another burden on to DH's plate.  

That night saw little sleep for me. I was sore and stiff. It was hard to get comfortable, even with muscle relaxers and pain pills in me. It also didn't help that for about the first hour, I kept getting hit over and over again. Finally, sleep came and I slept good for about 2 hours. 

When DH got home from work on Friday, he took me to the ER to get checked out again. Since I was so sore and stiff, he wanted to make sure I was okay and to document I had been seen in case anything happens in the future as a result of the hit I took. The ER doc said she didn't see any evidence or symptoms of anything being broken. She thought I was just suffering from the jolt I took. She told me to keep doing what I had been doing and to take an easy for a few days.  

When DH put pictures on FB of my car, someone commented that God had been right there with me. Although God is with us all of the time, there are times when you can really see Him working in your life. I know He was there through the whole ordeal with all of us involved. First of all, none of us were seriously hurt. The wreck happened right in front of my in-laws house. The first officer on the scene just happened upon it and was a relative of mine. The father of the young lady that hit me went to school with DH. We knew the tow driver that came to get her car. The trooper was the nicest trooper I have meet, which made me happy for the terrified young lady. God was definitely there and making things happen. 

The young lady that hit me has learned a valuable lesson from all of this. She freely admitted that she was distracted and didn't see me in the road. The evidence of that she hit me dead center in the back. She didn't have time to swerve one way or the other. She had to be going the speed limit or just under because she pushed me 50 some feet down the road. I didn't see her in my rear view which I always check before I stop to turn. I hate she had to learn a life lesson like that, but she will be better off for it. 

That whole afternoon was a blur. I am sure I will remember more details in the next few days. However, the thing that is in the forefront of my mind is I am so thankful DD wasn't with me and no one was seriously hurt. God was indeed with us that day and He is good! 

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