Monday, August 29, 2016

Snapshots: Part 4

Enjoy these snapshots of what has been going around our simple home the past few weeks. 

We have had just right amount of rain and sunshine this summer. Our flowers have been beautiful.

Orange Cosmos

Lush and Green Beauty

All the rain has left behind some interesting mushrooms at times.
Even the potted flowers have been really beautiful this year.
I have spent the really hot days inside, a lot of the times baking or cooking. This day I made a lasagna and an Olive Garden inspired salad.

We served a garlic bread stick with the lasagna and salad. All of it was delicious!

One Sunday morning, I made Strawberry Cheese Turnovers. They exploded, but were oh so good!

I served our turnovers with bacon, eggs, and fresh peaches. Looks good, doesn't it? 
I also made some chocolate walnut fudge one afternoon.

We have been getting a lot of tomatoes.

So many in fact, I had to cook our bounty and turn it into juice.

Jars and rings sterilized and ready for the canning process.

DD helped out with the juicing process.

We got 7 pints this time, but expect more in the future.

I started my deep cleaning earlier this month. This is what deep cleaning looks like.

It is a mess until I can get it all put back together.
With afternoon and evening thunderstorms around, the evening skies have been beautiful. Cotton Candy, anyone?

I will never get tried of the view from our front picture window. We live in the middle of God's country and are thankful for it.

Hope you enjoyed a look into the simple life we lead! We simply wouldn't have it any other way!

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