Friday, August 26, 2016

Spray Paint

When most people think of spray paint, they think of graffiti or - here in the South, the poor man's car paint job. While it is used for these purposes, it is also an all around great product with a variety of uses. Another plus is that it is relatively cheap. We use it quiet a bit around our simple place. 

I first started using spray paint to freshen up all the plastic flower parts I have on hand. I like to use hunter green flowers pots to match the shutters on our home. I had bought several but they were faded and looked shabby. I also needed more of them, but didn't have the funds to buy them. So I thought I would give spray paint a try. I found a Hunter Green Krylon Spray Paint for plastic. I bought some and started painting. The paint made my green pots look like new. I then sprayed my other colored pots green. The paint covered them well and made them look like new. I have been doing this to my flower pots every year since then. 

Spray painted flower pots.

Since my flower pots turned out so well, I went on to spray paint our faded out plastic lawn furniture. I sprayed two Adirondack chairs and a small table. DH was so impressed with the results that he decided he would use spray paint to freshen up our fading hunter green shutters. They turned out really well and have held the color for a long time. This summer he used spray paint to freshen up the shutters on his parents house. 

Spray paint has become one of those staple items around our house. I have used it to make decorations for special occasions and to make pretty items for our home. I spray painted a cardboard box we got peaches in, put some ribbon around it, and used a paint pen to decorate it. I use the box to transport food in to family dinners and covered dish dinners. I received a lot of compliments on it. People are shocked when they find out how it was made. I also took a cardboard tray I got from somewhere. I spray painted it and decorated it with some ribbon. It turned out to be a pretty tray I use around our home. 

The cardboard tray I transformed with spray paint and a little ribbon.

Now that you have read and seen some of the ways I have used spray paint around our home, it is your turn to get those creative juices turning. How could you use spray paint around your home? Leave me a comment and let me now what you have come up with! 

Who knew a simple item like spray paint could turn out to be such a simply useful item!  

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