Friday, May 12, 2017

A Peek Inside Our Refrigerators Or Frigs

Yesterday, I showed you a peek at what I keep in my pocketbook. In keeping with that theme, I am going to share the inside of our frigs. We have two of them; one in the kitchen and one in the laundry room

This is our freezer section of the frig in the kitchen. It isn't usually this empty, but I have been trying to use as much as I could out of it to help save on the grocery bill. I will have to restock soon.
Door of the freezer. I have gotten lazy and stopped making Italian Bread. We don't eat as much as we use to and it is just easier to warm up a bread stick. I buy biscuits for the simple fact that I can NOT make biscuits. They never turn out tight, never. Bottom shelf contains walnuts, frozen coconut for a coconut cream pie I am making this weekend. There is meat in the Ziploc bags; a roasted pork tender lion and baked chicken.
Door of the refrigerator section. The door is where I store our eggs, butter dishes, soft butter, pickles, jams, jellies, bacon bits, and...
other condiments. Yes, we use all of these regularly.
The shelf above is what I think is called the meat drawer. It usually holds our leftovers in Pyrex containers, and fruit that DH takes to work and DD eats for breakfast. The Laughing Cow Cheese is mine. The half empty applesauce cup is Miss Oakley's. Somehow, I missed taking a pic of what was in the meat drawer and no, it isn't meat. I keep the extra butter, the slice cheese, and blocks of cheese in there.
The drink shelf beside the meat drawer.
The middles shelf and bottom shelf. More leftovers, bacon thawing for supper, salad, salad spinner full of lettuce from our garden, and a sandwich from the deli at our local store for my lunch.
In the crisper drawers are carrots, peppers, and a cucumber hidden underneath the pepper pack to prevent it from freezing.
The other drawer only has grapes in it this week.
This is the freezer door in the frig in the laundry room. The ice packs are for our work lunchboxes and the fabric thing is a herbal wrap for neck or shoulders. You can warm it up in the microwave, too.
The freezer section. This is where I store all the foods I put up and freeze from the garden and where I store leftovers to use in other meals; as well as some meats. It is emptier than it has been in a while. However, as soon as our peas start coming in, it will fill back up. There are also trays for making ice.
The door of the frig is used to store extra blocks of cheese, a container for eggs, and DH's Slim Fast,...
as well as other bottled drinks for DD's lunches.
This is the middle shelf and bottom shelf. The pan is to put meat in that we are thawing out in. We keep plenty of bottled water on hand and yes, all we drink is Cheerwine or water. I keep any extra fruit in here like the watermelon. Missed taking a pic of the top shelf, but is where I store all of our extra eggs and other items like blocks of cream cheese.

Well, that is a peek inside of our frigs and their freezers. The frigs aren't usually that full and our freezers aren't usually that empty. I took these pics right after I got groceries and I have been trying to use what we had in the freezer for meals.  To answer you next question, yes, they are always that neat, well, most of the time, anyway. That is how I roll and what my OCD tendencies demand. What's in your frig?

Living life simply and blessed by doing so!  

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