Yesterday, I showed you a peek at what I keep in my pocketbook. In keeping with that theme, I am going to share the inside of our frigs. We have two of them; one in the kitchen and one in the laundry room.
Door of the refrigerator section. The door is where I store our eggs, butter dishes, soft butter, pickles, jams, jellies, bacon bits, and... |
other condiments. Yes, we use all of these regularly. |
The drink shelf beside the meat drawer. |
The middles shelf and bottom shelf. More leftovers, bacon thawing for supper, salad, salad spinner full of lettuce from our garden, and a sandwich from the deli at our local store for my lunch. |
In the crisper drawers are carrots, peppers, and a cucumber hidden underneath the pepper pack to prevent it from freezing. |
The other drawer only has grapes in it this week. |
The door of the frig is used to store extra blocks of cheese, a container for eggs, and DH's Slim Fast,... |
as well as other bottled drinks for DD's lunches. |
Well, that is a peek inside of our frigs and their freezers. The frigs aren't usually that full and our freezers aren't usually that empty. I took these pics right after I got groceries and I have been trying to use what we had in the freezer for meals. To answer you next question, yes, they are always that neat, well, most of the time, anyway. That is how I roll and what my OCD tendencies demand. What's in your frig?
Living life simply and blessed by doing so!
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