Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Simply Organized: Plastic Colored Hangers

DH has a big laugh over this next tip I am going to share. He says it is proof that my OCD is out of control, but it really has helped me with the laundry. My next tip to keeping organized in plastic colored hangers, a color for each of the kids and one for the parents.

Here is how it works at our house. DH and I have white plastic hangers for our clothes. DD has blue plastic hangers for her clothes. Each of us are responsible for seeing that our empty hangers get to the laundry room. As I am getting clothes out the dryer, I put them on their hangers. If I don't have a hanger for an item of clothes, I know which closet to go to look for the hanger. If we all used the same colored of hangers, it is possible I would have to make two trips to both of our closets to find the empty hanger. With colored hangers, I know which closet to go, thus saving myself some time.  

This idea happened by accident. I wanted to find an alternative to wire hangers. I hate wire hangers. They don't hold their shape. They are easy to bend. They leave odd bumps and humps in somethings. They were easy to get tangled up and I was just tried of dealing with them. So, I started looking for other types of hangers. I found these Mainstay plastic hangers at Walmart, tried them, and liked them. Over the next few months, I started buying hangers for DH and I. When all of ours were replaced, I started buying DD some. I choose blue for the color of her room. Little did I know that buying her a different color hanger would be a time saver for me. 

I know this could become an expensive project for a big family. To make it a little less costly, you buy a different colored hanger for each closet instead of each child. Also, it doesn't have to happen all at once. It took me several months of buying hangers when I had a few extra dollars. 

This colored system of hangers really works well for me. It has saved me time when I have to go hunt down hangers to hang something on. Plastic hangers are simply a good thing when it comes to organizing!  

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