Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Update On Miss Oakley, Part 2

The 3 1/2 weeks since Oakley's vet appointment has been interesting and full of the 3 P's ( pee, puke, and poop.) It also has been a time of growth for me. I am learning more about having patience, more about not worrying, and more about letting things go. 

When it is hard to find something that a sick fur baby wants to eat, you go with what she will eat. Even if it has a brand name, is organic, and/or expensive. That is just how we roll.

On our way down the mountain returning home after "Our Weekend Get Away", Oakley got car sick and threw up. She did it again when we got home. After that, we had a little difficulty getting her to eat, but we chalked it up to her getting car sick and weren't that worried about it. She still was throwing up some, but that wasn't unusual for her in the Spring when her allergies were bothering her. We discussed all of this with Doc Hannah at Oakley's appointment. She agreed with us and wasn't to worried about it. 

However almost a week later, she was barely eating and was turning down some of her favorite foods. It was starting to get worrisome. It was then I noticed something in her mouth. When I inspected further, her gums on one side was puffed. She had a sore on them and a tooth loose. We knew her gums and teeth were bad, because little dogs are notorious for having bad teeth. Since her vet knew about her teeth, I stopped by to talk to them about it and asked for an antibiotic. They agreed and sent me home with the meds. 

Oakley took the antibiotic the first two days just fine in her peanut butter, but on the third day, she knew something was up and spit it out. She was also having a hard time keeping the food she did eat down. We tried to get the antibiotic down on the 3rd day by forcing it, traumatizing her and us, then she refused her pain pills in her peanut butter. We didn't know what to do. She wasn't eating much. She was throwing up and we couldn't get her pain meds in her. 

The next day I went to buy her some broth, which would get nutrients in her and be easy on her stomach. I stopped by the vet's office and told them what was going on. They told us to stop the antibiotic and see how she did. If she was still throwing up, they could run blood work to see if the cancer had spread to her liver. After trying to force pain meds in her, we finally got her to take her Pericox in some food, but would spit out her Tramadol. We tried force it for a day or two and then decided if she was getting the Pericox in that we wouldn't risk the trauma anymore. 

Over the next week, we saw improvement. We found part of the loose tooth in the bed and on the floor.  She quit throwing up and was eating better, but all the broth was making her urinate a lot often times in the house. However, a new problem came up. She wasn't making a poo. We knew the lack of solid food and the pain meds could be working against her, but also knew that it was part of the signs the cancer could be in her liver. We were once again looking at having blood work done, but we are happy to report that is no longer an issue. She has pooed and pooed a lot. I thought we would never be excited about poo, but we were, even if it was on our bedroom carpet. 

This week has bought even more improvement. She has more energy and seems to feel better. The one pain med seems to be enough to deal with the pain she is having.  She is hungry and is wanting to want more. She is eating a little meat in broth. She is also eating a yogurt with a little sugar, vanilla flavoring, and strawberry syrup mixed in.  She is enjoying some of her favorite foods again. She is wanting to walk around outside more and is running again. 

Our sweet fur baby asleep on the pile of blankets.
This whole process is teaching me a lot. It is making me realize that there are times I need to set aside the chore I am doing and just enjoy being with my fur baby. It is teaching me to be more flexible that everything can't run according to my plans and time table. It is teaching me to be patient. It is teaching me to not worry and to let go. 

I know our time together is growing short. I know I will eventually have to say good-bye and that makes me terribly sad.  I am going to use that time we have left to love on her and be there for this little creature God gave me to take care of. She is simply my fur baby!

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