Monday, May 1, 2017

Getting Organized

When you run a household, staying organized just doesn't apply to schedules, making lists, and cleaning house. It also means keeping all the stuff you have organized. This essential for me because of my OCD tendencies. If our house and its stuff is organized, I feel calmer and at peace. If our house is in chaos, then I am in chaos. There is really something to the old adage ~ "A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place." 

With that being said, I am starting a new series on how I get organized. I will share some of the tips and techniques that I use that have worked well for me and helped me keep all our stuff organized and in its proper place. Some tips are so simple, but work so well. Some of the techniques will be things you may have heard of, but weren't sure they would work. Some of them may be so over the top that you might say ~ she has serious ODC problems. LOL! 

I would also love to hear from you. If you have a tip or a technique you use that makes storing your stuff and keeping it organized easy, I would love to hear from you. So, just leave me a comment and share them with me. 

Getting organized is simpler than you think!

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