Thursday, May 4, 2017

Simple Organized: The Rainbow Organizer & Other Closet Organizing Tips

Who knew the colors of the rainbow could become an organizing tool? If you think about it, most clothes stores use the colors of the rainbow in their displays.  The arrangement of the colors catches the eye and is found to be attractive. Using the same technique in your closet will not only be pleasing to your eyes, it will also help you plan outfits a lot easier. Arranging your clothes by the colors of the rainbow makes it a breeze to put them away and find them.

Another great and practical organizing tip, that most everyone uses already, is hanging the same items of clothing together. Hang all of your pants together, all of your shirts, skirts, etc., etc. I go a step further in my closet, which I will explain shortly.

Here is how I go about arranging my clothes in my closet: 

My side of the closet. (Notice all of the white hangers.)

When arranging my clothes by colors of the rainbow, I start with all of my whites and work my way to violet. This is the order I use: white, browns, grays, blacks, reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues, and purples. In putting my pants in order by color, I arrange them from lighter hues to darker hues. I hang all of my capris of a particular color together then all of my long pants. I try to hang all of my jeans together then all of my jogging pants.  After my pants, I have all of my shirts. My shirts are arranged from darker hues to lighter hues. I start with all of my short sleeves, then my long sleeve shirts and 3/4 length sleeve shirts. My sweat shirts come next.  My skirts and dresses are arranged in the same way.

DH's side of the closet.

On DH's side of the closet, things are a little different but still arranged by color. I hang all of his sweat pants together, then his jeans, then his dress pants. His shirts are arranged by knit shirts, dress shirts, then sweat shirts. His suits come next. 

I know all of these tips may seem excessive and the rantings of an OCD addict, but they are proven tips and techniques used by me for a long time and by other people who teach organization for a living.  All of these tips make it ease for me to put away clothes because I know exactly where their place is. It also makes it easy to find an item of clothing I am looking for. So, if you aren't using any of these techniques and tips, give them a try and see how much easier it makes your life.

Anything that can save me a little time is a simply perfect thing for me!  

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