Monday, May 15, 2017

Catching My Breath

Good Morning!!!!!! How was everyone's Mother's Day Weekend? Mine was wonderful, but very busy with family gatherings. I am planning a recap post for Friday. I made sure to take a lot of pics over the weekend to put in a recap post. So stay tuned! 

The rest of the week, I am taking a break from posting. We are in the process of switching from well water to city water. The plumbers are coming in a day or two. I have flowers I need to dig up and move before they come or risk having them tramped on. I also am trying to get all of the laundry, including the cats blankets, washed while we are still on the well. Don't want to run the bill up right away. LOL! When you add that the washing on top of the clothes I didn't get folded over the weekend, I am looking at a HUGE pile of laundry to deal with. 

Have a wonderfully blessed week, everyone! I will be back on Friday, until then I will be living life simply! 

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