Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Snapshots: Part 8

Snapshots of life in the Spring around here at "A Life Lived Simply."

Miss Oakley resting on her bed of our throw blankets and her blankets.

Since Doc Hannah okayed Miss Oakley eating people food, here is a pic of the food she gets to eat.
I am so far behind on my weeding of my flower beds. They are a mess.

However, I am slowly making progress.

It is sad when you can't see the pretty flowers because of the weeds in front of them.

A small victory, but lots more work to be done.
All the work is worth when you see these beauties; a bearded Iris on the left and a Siberian on the right.

Some wildflowers and blackberry brambles.

I love when I can bring in fresh flowers from outside in.

Wildflowers make me happy. The white flowers are new arrivals. I have never seen them before.
I have been working on a DYI project for a while.

I will put up a post about it and reveal the finished product in a few weeks.
DH has kept himself busy by replacing parts on my car...

and learning how to build transmissions.
I have been trying out new recipes; like oven roasted asparagus and sauteed mushrooms. Both of them were Yummy!
Although we usually don't celebrate Cinco De Mayo, we decided it was a good excuse for eaitng Mexican inspired food. So I made "Everything But The Kitchen Sink Nachos".

To go with our nachos, I decided to make "Agua Fresca" which I saw being made on "Pati's Mexican Table." You can find the recipe here

It was refreshing and something different.

You can't go wrong with watermelon and cantaloupe.

Our Cinco De Mayo meal.
Miss Copper was stalking me as I was taking pictures.

I got a pic of the elusive Miss Bashful. She had just finished bathing herself.Both of them have been naughty. I found a dead bunny in the garden shed where they sleep at night. DH had to remove the poor thing.
Our garden beds are still a work in progress. Our lettuce and radishes are up. The onions I set out rotted in all the rain we have had, but I am NOT going to complain.

Our peas are up and so is volunteer lettuce. I still have cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, and bell peppers to set out.
Springtime at our simple home is just beautiful.

We have been blessed with a lot of rain which has made everything lush and green.

I love our simple life out in the country.

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