Friday, May 20, 2016

Snapshots: Part Two

Spring is flying by and Summer is just around the corner. Life has been good around here and full of the beauty created by God. Enjoy some of snapshots of our simple life. 

Blooming blossoms of Spring.

Spring time blooms in blue.

God's beauty on full display.

Our pee-pees are growing and look more like chickens now. We moved them into their big chicken coop and they are happy. This beauty is my Sweetpea. She has been my pet from the very beginning. She always runs up to me to be picked up and loved on. She seems to be the smartest one of the bunch.

This is Sassy Britches. She has an attitude and likes to squawk back at you, especially if you try to stop her from going out the door. 

They others don't have names, yet. I am waiting to see what their demeanor and attitude will reveal to me.

While we were on our mountain get away weekend, we visited Mast General Store. When I saw this, I knew I wanted it for our kitchen. DH, being the sweetheart that he is, bought it for me.

Apples, the colors of red and green; it was meant for my kitchen.

Our garden is doing well. I finally got our tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cucumbers planted about a month ago.

Our onion, lettuce, and radishes did real well. We have been eating on them for a few weeks now. 

Our sugar peas, tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers. The peas were sowed in March. This picture was taken right after I planted the tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers.
Our lettuce, radishes, and lettuce after they started coming up good. At the other end of the lettuce garden bed, I planted green peppers and volunteer tomato plants that came up on profusion in the bed this spring. 
The fruits of our labor for us to enjoy. Our lettuce and radishes made a great tasting fresh green salad. Yummy!

I just love springtime around our simple little home place. There is always something beautiful to look at around every corner!

Living life simply and loving every minute of it! 

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