Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Our Almost "CAT"astrophe

Exactly one week ago today, our beloved 0.4 lb. rescue kitty turned 18 lb. fat cat, Copper - now referred to as "that damn cat" by DH - decided to chase something up a big oak tree in our pasture. She chased it up without realizing how high she was going. When she did, she got so scared she wouldn't come down and she didn't come down until 29 hours later. 

That morning, I went out to walk our dogs about 10:30. After walking them, I went into our garden shed to get my garden tools together. I woke up Bashful from a morning nap and she joined me as I went to the garden beds to do some weeding. Copper was nowhere to be seen. I didn't think anything of it, because it wasn't unusual for her to go off by herself. 

As I was weeding and talking to Bashful, I thought I heard a cat meowing. For a long time, I couldn't tell if it was a cat's meow or a bird call I was hearing. So I decided to call for Copper. As I did, the sound I was hearing became more persistent and there was no doubt to what I was hearing. I was hearing a cat in distress. It took me a few minutes to find her. When I did, she was over half way up a VERY TALL tree.   

All afternoon, I tried to coax her down. At one point Bashful climbed part of the way up the tree and was trying to coax her sister down. Copper was meowing pitifully. Bashful was howling because her sister was in distress. All of which just about had me in tears, because I didn't know what to do. 

When DH got home from working all day, he tried to get her down using a ladder and rigging a kitty elevator. He took a clothes basket and tied a rope around it. With a plate of food in it, he hoisted up the tree close to where Copper was hoping she would climb in and he could lower her down. No such luck. 

All the rest of the afternoon and evening, we tried to coax her down. We went out several times through the night trying to get her to come down. I tried several times during the next day, spending 30 minutes or more under the tree talking to her. DH even took off from work to come home and try the kitty elevator idea again, because he knew I was so worried. 

While he was setting everything up, he threw something up in the tree and that scared Copper enough that she came down on her own. She flew down the tree, up the hill, and into the building where they sleep at night. 

I followed her and gave her some food. She ate and ate and ate. Bashful came in to check on her. Taking the advantage of them both being in the building, I shut the door and there they remained for two days. They were content to be locked up. Copper resting and recuperating. Bashful just happy to have her sister back with her and safe. 

Here is the little trouble maker herself. The only damage she received was a scrape on her lip. It makes her look an alley cat.

This is the tree she decided to climb up.

This is the area where she spent most of her time in.

The highest she got was in the crook of the y-shape limbs.

She also spent a lot of time on these bottom two limbs.

It was a scary experience and I had resigned myself to the fact that my little runt kitten I rescued was probably going to die. When she finally came down, I was so relieved that I didn't know whether to hug her or wring her neck. I settled for the hugging. I just hope she never does it again!

Oh, the simple pleasure and the simple hassles fur babies can bring! 

Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day: Honoring Those That Gave Their All

Memorial Day Weekend original purpose was not to be the unofficial start to summer or a day for BBQ's or races. It is a day set aside for this country of ours to honor and remember those that gave the ultimate sacrifice while serving in our armed forces. They gave their lives to preserve our freedom and to protect the lives of their fellow brothers in arms. We should never forget their sacrifice or the ultimate love they showed for our country. 

Tomb Of The Unknown Soilder

There are no better words to commemorate those who died while serving our country than those spoken by Abraham Lincoln at Gettysburg. 

"Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battlefield of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But, in a larger sense, we can not dedicate, we can not consecrate, we can not hallow this ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom—and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."

To all of those that gave their lives while serving our country - whether it was in a war, a police action, a conflict, an operation, or during peacetime duty - you have mine and my family's deepest respect and thankfulness. We honor you and you sacrifice! 

Friday, May 27, 2016

NC Waterfalls: Upper Creek Falls

If you are looking for a challenging hike to see waterfalls then this is the place to go. I thought this hike was just plain hard, even harder than the one to see the waterfall at South Mountain State Park. However, in the end, the falls were worth it. 

Upper Creek Falls is composed of two parts; the upper part and the lower part. The falls are located in the Jonas Ridge area of Burke County in NC. The entrance is right of HWY 181 almost at the top of the mountain on the right hand side (if you are going up the road.)

The sign at the entrance.

There are no restrooms or picnic tables at this site. It only has a parking area and a trail map board. The hike to the upper part of the falls is .4 miles. It isn't as hard as the hike to the lower falls but still has many, many slippery rocks to traverse. The trial to the lower falls is .9 miles and is a switchback type trial that is all down hill, which means it is all up hill on the way back. The two trials combine form a 1.6 mile loop if you are interested. We did the two separately and on two different occasions. We hiked to the upper part in July and the lower part in October.

The falls are a popular place with fishermen, swimmers, and sunbathers. People also camp in the area. Just a little FYI for you; this area is bear country and rattlesnakes have been seen by campers and hikers. Scary as that sounds, it is still a hike worth taking. 

The upper part of Upper Creek Falls.

Looking down the upper part of the falls to its drop to the lower part.

A huge rock on the trial down to the lower part.

The lower part of the falls.

Looking down toward the lower falls drop.

My favorite picture I took of our hike.

I have told DH that this is a hike I was glad I went on but will probably never go again. It was a little too rugged for me, but the beauty of the waterfalls made it bearable. 

Just another one of those simply beautiful things created by the Master's hands! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

NC Waterfalls: Elk Falls

Elk Falls is one of the easiset falls to walk to, but it is in an out of the way place in Avery County, NC. You can find directions to the falls on the Elk Falls website. The hike to the falls is more like a little stroll and is about .13 of a mile. It makes a nice place to stop after taking in the pretty scenery around on the drive up. 

The pool at the bottom of the falls is a popular place for the locals to come and swim during the summer. You can go to the area around the bottom of the falls and the area at the top. With huge slabs of rock around the area, it would be a nice spot to have a picnic.

Elk Falls on the Elk River is just another example of the simply beauty God created for us to admire!

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

NC Waterfalls: High Shoals Falls

High Shoals Falls is located in South Mountain State Park located in a rugged area of Burke County in the state of NC. There is a lot to see and do, but the highlight is the 80 foot waterfall. The park has over 40 miles of hiking trials and 30 miles of bridle trials. There are two picnic areas and sheltered picnic area for groups. If you are in to backpacking, there are 20 some campsites at 6 different locations. A Visitor's Center has exhibitions on the cultural and natural history of the area. After hearing so much about South Mountain from different people and how pretty the waterfall was, we decided to take a trip and go see for ourselves.

The hiking trial to the falls is called The High Shoals Loop and is 2.7 miles long. It is considered a strenuous hike. We didn't complete the loop. We walked, hiked, and climbed the mile to the top of falls and turned around to go back the way we came. Near the end of the trial to the top of the falls are 100 steps to climb. (I think that is the correct number. It might be more.)  While the hike was almost a little bit more than I could handle, the falls made it worth the climb. 

Visitor's Center

The High Shoals Falls Loop starts out like this but don't let it fool you. It will get harder.

There are steps to go down...
and steps to go up.
But, the view...

at the top...

is so...

worth it!

Isn't it?

All along the trial is beautiful scenery to take in. The stream babbles and falls, which gives you plenty of little waterfalls to see. There was one very interesting spot for DH and I. It was a HUGE boulder on the side of the mountain that the top part of it was on the opposite side of the trail from the boulder. The top part was sheared off by the torrential rain and winds of Hurricane Hugo, which our DD was born in the middle of.

The Hugo Boulder.

One of the little falls.

The stream falling and babbling along making for a peaceful sound.

Going to see the waterfall was worth the hard climb, but I wouldn't recommend it with little children. I would wait until they were 10 or older before taking them on such a hike. Children should also be of the age where they will listen and mind on a hike like this one. Several people have lost their lives in this area, because of silly mistakes. So just use caution and be careful if you decide to visit some day. 

Once again marveling at the simple beauty created by God's hands! 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

NC Waterfalls: Cascade Falls

Cascade Falls is a great place to take kids for a short hike to see a beautiful water fall. Cascade Falls can be found in the E.B. Jeffress Park on the Blue Ridge Parkway at milepost 272. The park has picnic tables, so why not pack a picnic and make a nice time of it. 

The trial to the Falls starts at the restrooms. It is about a mile around trip and is an easy hike to go on. My niece and her husband recently took their 8 year old and 3 year old to go see the falls. The area around the falls has stone walls which acts as barriers, but you should keep an eye on your kids just to be on the safe side and don't let them sit on the stone walls.

Views from the top viewing spot.

Views from the lower viewing spot.

So if you are looking for something to do this Memorial Day Weekend, whether you live in Western NC or just visiting, take a little drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway and visit Cascade Falls. It is an easy hike with a beautiful reward at the end of it! 

Simply loving all the God-made beauty that surrounds us! 

Monday, May 23, 2016

NC Waterfalls: Linville Falls

If you are looking for somewhere to visit this upcoming Memorial Day Weekend, why not consider visiting some of the beautiful waterfalls that can be found in our beautiful state of North Carolina. Most of these waterfalls are a good day trip if you live in Western NC or are visiting NC this weekend. Some have easy trials to the falls and some of the others can be somewhat difficult. I will try to let you know what to expect on each one and if it is an easy hike to make with kids. 

The first one I am going to tell you about is Linville Falls which can be found off the Blue Ridge Parkway. There is two parts to the Linville Falls Recreational Area; a picnic area and then the Visitors Center where the hiking trials start. Both places are worth a visit. 

Linville Falls Picnic Area can be found a mile post 316.5. It is a nice area with plenty of picnic tables, a lot of them right by the Linville River. There are two loops to the area with its own restrooms. There is also a covered pavilion with tables underneath. There are places to get into the river if you have kids that like to play in the water. 

A peaceful setting at the Picnic Area

The Linville Falls Visitor's Center and Campground are further down the Parkway on the opposite side of the road. It is about a mile to the Visitor Center's Center and you will pass by the Campground first. There are restrooms at the Visitor's Center. All of the trials start at the Center, too. We have hiked most of the trials. There are some tricky spots to it, but we have hiked it with our DD when she was younger and with Miss Oakley. When we went this time, we went on a trial we haven't been on before. We took the trial to the Plunge Basin which is about a mile around trip and offers a different breathtaking view than the other trials. 

The trial to the Plunge Basin.

The view from the overlook at the Plunge Basin.

A close up of the falls falling through the rocks.

A wider view of the Plunge Basin and the deep pool formed by the falls.

Linville Falls is one of those beautiful waterfalls NC was blessed by God with. It is a ever reminding promise of the Creator's love for us and the awesomeness of His power. Every North Carolinian or any visitor to NC should make an effort to go and see! 

Awed by the simply beauty created by our Creator's hand! 


If hiking isn't for you and your family, I am sharing some fun, family oriented places to visit around the Boone, NC, area on "A Life Lived Simply" FB, this week. Go and check them out!