Monday, September 12, 2016

Simply Perfect Products: Wisk Detergent

All this week I am sharing my favorite products I use to clean things; from laundry to dishes to the house. These are tried and true products I have used for years in the running and keeping of our home. I hope some of you may be looking for just the right product to do a job and this will help you find one you haven't thought of. 

When I first started our keeping our home, I used Tide powder detergent. It got the laundry clean, but it wasn't practical of getting spots out. So I started trying other products just to treat spots and still using Tide for the rest of the laundry. I landed on Wisk detergent for treating spots. It worked on all kinds of different spots on clothing. So for years, I was buying two laundry detergents. 

When liquid Tide became readily available, I switched from powder to it. I started using liquid Tide to treat spots. It didn't work as well as Wisk, but it saved me from buying two different laundry detergents. However, another problem came up. Soon after switching to liquid Tide, DH's skin began to itch. At first, we couldn't figure out why. We went through all the things we could think of and finally realized the only thing that changed was the Tide. For whatever reason, DH was reacting to the liquid detergent. 

I knew I didn't want to go back to powder detergent. It was to messy and hard to use to treat spots. I also didn't want to go back to buying two detergents. So, we decided to give Wisk a try for all of our laundry and haven't looked back since.

Pic via Walmart

Wisk is relatively inexpensive. There are coupons in the coupon circulars several times a year. They often coincide with sells at one of our local grocery stores. I have been able to get a 52 loads bottle of detergent for $3.00. Besides all of that, it is the best thing I have found to get out those spots and stains my family seems to accumulate almost every day. 

Wisk detergent is simply one of those perfect products!  

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