Friday, September 30, 2016

My Pillows

While I was in high school, I had a wreck in a Volkswagen Beetle and flip it several times. I almost got a ticket for driving left of center while I was flipped upside down. Yes, it sounds ridiculous but it is completely true! I was banged up and bruised but had no major injuries. However, the effects of that wreck began to show up years later in my neck. 

About 15 years ago, I started having a terrible time with my neck and shoulders. I went to the  doctor and he diagnosed me with bulging disks in my neck. He prescribed anti-inflammatories along with pain pills. The anti-inflammatories tore up my stomach and weren't helping. The doctor then gave me exercises to try. They helped some but the problem still remained. It was getting worse and I was losing sleep. 

After one very bad week, DH made me an appointment with a chiropractor. I was amazed at the relief he provided me. I have been going for 15 years now. I started out going every 4 to 6 weeks, then I was able to push my appointments out to 6 to 8 weeks and now I am up to every 8 to 12 weeks.

Besides giving me adjustments, he has given me advice of what to do or not do. He has advised me on when to ice or apply heat. He also recommended two different types of pillows for me. A D-shaped Cervical pillow for my neck and a body pillow to help with hip joint pain I inherited from my daddy's side of the family. 

The D-shaped Cervial pillow has a d-shaped hole in the middle to lay your head in while the lobe supports the neck. The design is to help restore the natural curvature of the neck, which it does. This pillow has provided me with a more comfortable night sleep. An added plus is that Miss Oakley loves the pillows too. The hole in the middle is just the right size for her to curl up in. 

Pic via Core Products

Most of my daddy's side of the family seems to have a hip problem of some sort. Whether it is a sciatica nerve issues or inflamed hip joints. My is more of the inflamed hip joint issue. Going to the chiropractor helps me out a lot. The adjustment relieves a lot of the pain and gives me some relief, but what has helped me the most is using a body pillow which was recommended by my chiropractor. I sleep with the pillow between my knees when I lay on my side or use it to prop up my right side (which is the problem side) while I am on my back. Since I have started using a body pillow, I have had a lot less issues with my hip. 

Pic via Walmart

Both of these pillows go with me where ever we travel. I don't think I would sleep very well without them. I have even got DH hooked on using a body pillow. Both these pillows are simple good thing!

Living life and loving every minute of it! 

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