Friday, November 4, 2016

Snapshots: Part 5

I love taking pictures of the things going in our simple life. Sit back and enjoy a glimpse into how we live life simply! 

Laundry is the bane of my existence. I never seem to be able to get caught up. If you drop by for a visit, you will probably see a clothes basket sitting in the living room. Folding clothes is one of my least favorite jobs to do.

These are the last of tomatoes I picked before we pulled up the vines. I placed them on a baking sheet and sit them on top of the frig in the laundry room hoping some of them would ripen.

Several of them have ripen and we are still enjoying homegrown tomatoes in November.
We also harvested the last of our bell peppers. These red, yellow, and green beauties came off of our pepper plants. I sliced them up to put up in the freezer. It is so nice to be able to pull already slice peppers from the freezer for a dish.

I have also started roasting peppers. When I put peppers in any kind of tomato based sauce, it seems to give DH bad indigestion. I read somewhere if indigestion is a problem that roasting them would help. It has seemed to help so far. Fingers crossed!
We have been having some very warm Indian Summer Days, which my flowers have loved.

We really have been enjoying the last of the blooms.
I baked some homemade goodies for my daddy, my brother, my youngest in my oldest set of nephews, and my oldest nephew's girlfriend. I baked Banana Nut Bread for my daddy.  I baked Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies for my brother. I baked Peanut Butter Fingers for my nephew. I gave my nephew's girlfriend a little of everything since she likes to cook and bake.

This is the cake stand I took while we were going through my grandmother's house. I have it sitting on our bar and have been filling it with the baking I have been doing.  I think these cookies look good in it.
Miss Oakley is getting old. She will be 15 in January. She likes to sleep A LOT.

She is getting very picky about the spot she sleeps in. Everything has to be JUST right.
Miss Bashful has recovered from her mystery infection she had before we left for Dollywood. I cornered her in the garden shed to get this picture. She usually runs when she hears my camera, but I managed to out smart her this time. Copper Cat was off sleeping somewhere when I took this pic, so I didn't get a current one of her. She is still fat and getting fatter.
My pee-pees have grown up into beautiful chickens and they are laying almost 8 eggs a day. I have been selling them to make a little extra money. I made $15 in one week. You can't beat fresh backyard eggs.
Last weekend it was cool enough and there was no wind, so we decided to build our first fire of the season.
A perfect setting for a perfect evening.
DH decided he would set up our tv for the camper outside so we could watch MacGyver while we sat by the fire.He first sat it on the back of his truck and decided it was too far away..., he sat it on our little table which was just perfect.
True story, I tried to get a picture of the tv without a political commercial on it. It was a Mission Impossible.

A slight breeze started blowing carrying with it the sweet fragrance of our Angel Trumpet Tree. This is the most blooms it has had on it all spring and summer.

The fire was just warm enough that we didn't have to bundle up.
There is just something so mesmerizing about watching a fire burn.

I have been working on a little project. I am making cover sheets for the different sections of a cookbook notebook I am putting together.
I also tried a new recipe, well sort of. I used my Criss-Cross Peanut Butter Cookie recipe to make Peanut Butter Blossoms. Be sure to visit "A Life Lived Simply" FB page to get the recipe.
This was our supper last Sunday. Grilled sirloin steaks, baked potato, and sauteed vegetables. It was YUMMY!

Well, that has been life around here at our little home place! Have a great weekend and find some time just to spend with your family! 

Living life simply and blessed by every minute of it! 

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