Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Making Out The Grocery List And Menu

When we set up our household over 28 years ago, one thing I had to figure out was how to come up with meals for the week and make out a grocery list. I came up with my own system and a few years later I saw the same type system in a household organization book. It is a simple system that has worked well all these years. The only kink in the system is me, because I have a tendency to put it off to the last minute. (This is NOT one of my favorite chores I have to do.) Here is how I do it.

The first thing I had to figure out is what day I wanted to do the grocery shopping. When we first started out, DH worked odd hours. So, I got groceries on Monday evenings when he had to work. Over the years and job changes, my grocery shopping day had shifted to Thursday. 

With my grocery shopping day set, I worked out a menu for the week starting with Thursday to the next Wednesday. I only plan the supper meals and Sunday breakfast, which I leave a space for on Sunday. So, Sunday has two spaces. Since we all get up at different times I don't need to plan big breakfasts. We all grab what we want for breakfast with the items that are in the cabinets. Lunch, for DD and I, is usually leftovers or some quick food we have on hand. I also add a line for a dessert of the week. This is how I write down the week on paper: 

Weekly Menu

Nov. 10th - 16th, 2016 




Below my menu for the week, I write down the name of every place I go and leave room to add items. Currently, I visit 3 different places; our local Walmart, our local butcher shop, and a grocery store closer to our home. As I write down the meals for the week, I write down the items I will need to make the meals under the places where I am going to buy them. For example, I am planning on having cheeseburgers w/ slaw & chili and chips w/salsa for supper on Monday, so I write down the following:

Mays Meats                            Lowes Food
med. gr. beef                                   cabbage

h. buns

Once I have all the meals planned and checked the pantry for what items I need to get for that meal, I start writing down all the others items I need for the week. I run through my check list of staple items, toiletries items, cleaning supplies, drinks, fruits, breakfast and lunch items. To aid with the checklist, I keep a notepad on our bar to write down any item I can think of during the week. 

It is a simple system that works well. It is adaptable to any household or situation. It has been a time and money saver for us over the years. The only kink I can find is me! 

If you are looking for a system or a new system to try, give this one a trial run. When and if you do, let me know how it works out for you. 

Living a simple life and loving every minute of it! 

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