Friday, July 15, 2016

A Recap Of Our Week Of The 4th

Our week began at 11:00 on the Friday before the 4th, when DH got off from work. He came home, ate some lunch, then headed out with DD for an eye appointment. Later, that evening we went out to eat at a local Mexican restaurant that open in our area recently. The food was good, plus, I didn't have to cook. 

The next morning, DH was up early and started working on his project list. Several of those projects were little home improvement projects that I will share with you at a later date.  I went outside to walk the dogs and do a few little jobs outside. For lunch, we got to enjoy our first fresh homegrown tomato sandwich. It was DELICIOUS! Later in the heat of the day, we watched a few episodes of JAG and The Americans. For supper, I fixed a meatless taco salad to go with grilled steaks. We had fresh peaches macerated in sugar for dessert.

In the South this is the food of the gods.

The meatless taco salad I mentioned in summertime meal ideas. It is easy to make and so good to eat.

Fresh peaches are a must in the summer.

After church on Sunday; we came home, had a snack, then settled down for a Sunday afternoon nap. Boy, did we needed one and enjoyed every minute of it. Spent the rest of the day piddling at a few things and watching more tv. 

Monday morning, DH got up early and got busy. He spent most of the morning washing/waxing my car and cleaning the inside of my car.  I spent the morning cleaning house. In the afternoon, we went up to my parents' house for an Independence Day celebration and to celebrate my SIL's b-day. We stayed up there until well after dark watching all the fireworks going off around us. My parents' house sits on a hill and is the perfect place for fireworks viewing. 

DH accompanied me to the doctor's office on Tuesday morning for some routine blood work I had to have. He had a few insurance questions to ask about some changes we are thinking of making. Afterwards, he took me to get 2 chocolate covered kreme filled Krispy Kreme doughnuts. He knows how much I hate needles and doctors, so he thought of a way to make it all better. After dropping me off at home, he headed to his parents' house to finish up a project he had started one and to work on a few more. 

Back home, he grabbed a quick lunch before we headed to my grandma's house to pick for furniture my daddy had made for her and was now giving to us. This is the grandma that has Alzheimer's and is a full care facility. Due to financial difficulties, my mother and her siblings are looking to sell the house and land. I also took my camera to take pictures of the house I spent a lot of my childhood in and a house full of precious memories. 

This is the family room. I spent a lot of time in this room watching "Dallas" on Friday nights with my grandpa and grandma. On Saturday mornings, I would settled down with a bowl of cereal to watch Saturday morning cartoons. We had a lot of discussions and arguments with aunts, uncles, and cousins in this room. This floor has seen a lot of little baby foot steps and spit. Now it is empty of people, but full of memories.

My grandma cooked many, many meals for her 5 kids and the growing brood they went on to have. She also fixed a lot of meals for the great-grandchildren her grandchildren blessed her with. She was a great cook. I would love to have one more home cooked meal made by her.

This sofa is in the living room. The living room is where we would sit to open all of our Christmas presents and soon drown in a mountain of wrapping paper. I opened many, many presents sitting on that couch. 
My daddy bought and refurbished the sewing machine for my grandma with the understanding when she no longer needed it, it would go to our DD. It now has a new home behind our sofa.

The curio cabinet was built by daddy as well. My grandma collected angels and displayed them in here. We turned it into an entertainment cabinet for our bedroom.

It was so hot and muggy that afternoon, my daddy was afraid we wouldn't get it all moved before a storm broke lose. We just got the last piece in our house and were rested when it started raining. Soon after, we got a gull washer. 

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were relatively uneventful days. Wednesday morning, DH continued working on little projects, ran more errands, and mowed grass. I worked on getting the house put back together after moving in the new pieces of furniture. DH went with me Thursday morning to get groceries. After lunch, he took DD to one of her favorite stores - a bookstore - to do a little shopping. He had band practice for church that night. Friday, DH finished up on the last of his projects. I finished getting things back in orde. We spent a quite evening at home. 

Saturday morning, I woke up with a migraine that I had felt coming on for the past two days. My morning got off to a slow start. DD on the other hand, got up, and started on her Saturday morning cleaning before she went with her grandma (my MIL), her uncle (my BIL), and some of her cousins (my cousins by marriage) to see an early showing of "The Secret Lives Of Pets." DD really enjoyed it. They went to Chick fil A for lunch. DH knowing I was up to speed that morning, decided that since DD was out for the afternoon he would take me out for lunch. We went back to the Mexican restaurant we had ate at a few days before. The rest of the afternoon was spent watching tv while I napped off and on trying to keep my migraine from getting worse. Evidently, I did quite a bit of snoring too, since DH was kind enough to point it out to me. Snoring is one of those weird things I do when I have a migraine.  

Sunday morning, I stayed at home while DH and DD went to church. I was still wrung out from the migraine that I had had. I also took the time to do the chores I didn't get to the day before. The rest of the day was spent watching tv and getting things ready for DH to go back to work. As night time rolled around, we went to bed thankful for the week we got to spend together and all the things we got done. 

Ours is not a fast-paced life, but a simple life that is full nonetheless. Living a simple life and thankful for every moment of it!  

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