Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Summertime Meal Ideas

Yesterday I posted about summertime cooking. Today I am posting summertime meals ideas. Most of them are easy and somewhat quick to fix. However, the main focus is sharing meals that are light and cool. Meals that don't require a lot of cooking so you aren't heating up your house on those hot, hazy, humid summer days. 

Cold Meals: Food doesn't have to be warm to be fulfilling. There are quite a few foods out there that can be eaten cold.

  • Hillshire Farm Beef Sausage, crackers w/ cheddar cheese, veggies w/ dip, cold fruit (watermelon/cantaloupe) or fresh fruit (apple slice/fresh peaches/grapes.)
  • Tuna Salad/Chicken Salad served on crackers, veggies w/ dip, assortment of nuts, fruits
  • There are variety of cold soups recipes out there to be served on a hot summer day. Serve with a small sandwich or a piece of crusty bread, or cheese with some sort of cracker.

Sandwiches: There are all kinds of things you can make sandwiches out of. They don't have to be complicated sandwiches. One or two ingredients will do just fine. You can also get the whole range of the food groups in one sandwich. So whether served on a sliced bread, rolls, or in tortillas; sandwiches are simply a good thing. Serve them with chips w/ salsa, chips w/ dip, assorted nuts, popcorn, veggies w/ dip, or fruit. 

  • Peanut Butter & Jelly - Most kids love this sandwich. 
  • Banana Sandwich - Slice the banana long ways. Arrange on a piece of bread covered in Duke's mayo. Top with another piece of mayo covered bread, then enjoy! I love eating these sandwiches with original Doritos. The flavors complement each other. Give it a try!
  • Tomato Sandwich - Nothing can beat a fresh out of the garden tomato on bread covered with Duke's mayo. This is the food of the gods in the South. 
  • Sub Sandwiches - Use an assort of meats, cheeses, veggies, and condiments. Subs are your all in one sandwich. 
  • Deviled Eggs Sandwiches - Boiling eggs doesn't heat up the house much, so Deviled Eggs sandwiches are a good fit for summer. 
  • Tuna/Chicken Salad Sandwiches or Crab/Lobster/Shrimp Rolls Sandwiches
  • Sandwich Wraps - Use your imagination when it comes to wrap sandwiches. Use deli meat or leftover chicken/turkey/steak/roast beef. Use slice cheese or shredded cheese. Use all kinds of veggies. Create and enjoy.  
  • BLT Sandwiches - BLT are at their best when you can use a homegrown tomato, so summer is the perfect time for these sandwiches.  
Salads: From salad with greens, to pasta salad, to bean salad, to potato salad to fruit salads; salads are the perfect type dishes for those hot summer months. Serve them with meats for supper or make them the star of lunch served with some sort of crusty bread. You have the makings of a great meal.
  • Garden Salad W/ Chicken - Using salad greens as your base; add all kinds of veggies, some shredded cheddar cheese, bacon bits, and crutons. Grill chicken tenders that have been marinated in Italian Dressing. When they are finished, cut up and top the salad with the pieces. Pour on some ranch dressing and enjoy. Try the same thing with marinated steaks. 
  • Meatless Taco Salad - Using salad greens as your base; add grape tomatoes, shredded cheddar cheese & Monterey jack cheese, and corn chips; then toss. Warm up a can of black beans, a can of kidney beans, and can of corn. When warm, drain water off of them. Toss them with a little taco seasoning. Add them to the salad and toss. Serve with ranch dressing.
  • Vegetable Salad - Cut of some of your favorite veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, radishes, and place in a bowl. Pour ranch dressing over the top to coat the veggies well and stir. This is a great alternative too a salad with greens. 

Stir-Frys & Sautees - These are two great ways to take of advantage of the fresh veggies of summer. Neither of these methods will heat up the house too much, plus you can always turn on your stove top fan to minimize some of the heat. 

Fried Or Pan-Fried Meats

  • Steaks and pork chops can be pan seared in a little butter until they are done, then served with a salad or light pasta side dish. 
  • Hamburger patties can be pan-fried in their own juices, then served with some steamed onions on top or fried peppers and onions. Serve with some cold potato salad and fruit. 

Grilled Food: Besides your usual meats and fishy type meats, grilled veggies are delicious too. Again this is a great way to take advantage of the fresh summer veggies. 
  • Yellow Squash or Zucchini - Allow to come to room temperature if they have been in the frig. Wash them off. Cut into thick slices leaving the skin on. As they grill brush on a flavored butter or a mixture of flavored butter and olive oil. 
  • Other veggies to grill include; Portabella Mushrooms, Red/Purple or White Onions, Bell Peppers.

Side Dishes: They don't have to be too heavy. Beside pasta salads, there are light pasta dishes to consider. Of course, summer lends its self to finger foods. There are always assorted nuts, pickles, all kinds of fruits served in a variety of ways, all kinds of crackers and chips, all sorts of dips, salsa, cheese salsa to serve on the side.  

I hope some of these ideas will be found useful.  Most of them have been tried and tested by my family. Although, I can't speak as a seafood expert. (I was NOT cut out to be a seafood connoisseur.) I would love to hear some of your summertime meal ideas. Leave me a comment and I will give them a try. 
Enjoying the simple summertime tastes and trying to live through the heat and humidity of the days!  

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