Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Seasons Of Life

Just as the seasons change in this beautiful the Lord created for us to live in, our lives have seasons, too. Each brings its own challenges, teaches its own lessons, and imparts its own wisdom. The key is to recognize what can be learned and gleaned from them.

Our childhood years and our teenage years are the seasons we start out in. As we grow and get older these seasons prepare us for all the seasons we will live through when we reach adulthood. Those early seasons shape the person we are when we get married.

Starting out as a newlyweds we are in the "getting to know you season", we bring our own individual ideas and ways into the marriage. We have to meld those individual ideas and ways into the ideas and ways of a couple which has become one. The season is a difficult one to go through, but it is also a carefree season without may responsibilities and cares. That is until children enter the picture. 

The season of "babies and toddlers" is one of the most exciting and tiring one we go through. The joy of an impending birth brings such happiness and closeness to a couple but with the birth everything changes. There is another person in the relationship completely dependent on the both of you. There are diapers to change and a feeding schedule to maintain. There may be a colic baby that makes sleeping impossible. There are plans that have to be changed due to a sick baby. Add a toddler or two trying to form their own opinions and assert their independence, not to mention a house that forever seems to be messy with toys lying about everywhere, can make it feel like this season will go on forever. However, with all of that, this season in life is one of the sweetest. Those moments of holding your baby in your arms staring into each others eyes is priceless and should be cherished. Those moments when a pudgy armed toddler throws their arms around your neck to give you a hug or the look on their face when they discover something new is worth all the tantrums and sleepless nights. 

Next comes the "going to school" season and then the dreaded "teenage" season. Each with its rushing from place to place, cramming down a meal on the run, homework arguments, social media worries, and those we no longer have a baby moments. Yet, each of these stages have their sweet rewards if we look for them. I so wish I had taken the time to do so. 

The having a "college age adult child" season is next, which may be followed by "child getting married" season or an "adult child moving back home" season. Both of these seasons are hard to navigate. When a child marries, it is their final act of independence and can be bittersweet, but it is a necessary part of their lives. There are also those of us for what every reason have a child who is an adult living in or moving back into your house. Yet, it is another season some have to go through and is the season we are in right now. We have done everything in our power to try to find our DD a job. She is a very smart young lady and has a bachelor's degree, but she has a few mild disabilities that seem to be holding her back. However, we know that this is a season we have to go through. We know God is guiding us and sometimes carrying us through this season. We know their is a Master plan God has for our family. We just have to wait on His timing. 

As the years pass, we know we have more seasons to go through. Soon we will be entering the "taking care of our elderly parents" season and eventually our "old age" season. We know there is no use dreading them, but to face them head on asking God to be with us along the way.

Each season has its ups and downs. Each one has its lessons to learn from. How we get through each season helps shape the person we become. We can let the difficulties beat us down or we can seek the wisdom to be found from each. The seasons of life can be scary, but filled with many, many more rewards. So live your life being thankful for the season you are going through right now!

Living our current season of life, embracing the difficulties and challenges, and learning to cherish each moment of it!    

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