Monday, April 18, 2016

Martha's Stewart's:Homekeeping Handbook

One of the books on keeping a home I have found useful is Martha Stewart's: Homekeeping Handbook. The book is billed as "The Essentail Guide to Caring for Everything in Your Home" and it lives up to the title. Martha covers how to go about cleaning every room in your house to keeping your appliances in good working order to a guide for moving. It is a comprehensive book with lots of charts that are easy to follow and read.

The book starts out with a Cleaning Product 101. It covers the ingredients found in common cleaners, how to read the labels, and how to use them. Healthier alternatives are also covered. The book then goes on to cover how to clean every room in your home, what products would work well, how to organize each room, and how to keep on top of keeping each room clean. There is also a section on how to clean and care for outdoor spaces.

The next section covers how to go about each cleaning task and what type of equipment is best or needed for each task. How to take care of your furniture, walls, ceilings, windows, window treatments, and woodwork. All of this is followed by a section on how to care and maintain your heating/cooling system, water systems, lighting, and air quality. It also contains a section on home security, emergency preparedness, fire safety/prevention, living with pets, and pest control. The book ends with a section on moving, a material guide, and resources. 

The Homekeeping Handbook is a big book and I have yet to read every page, but I still have found it useful. I have gone to it when I had a question about food storage or how to store a delicate item. It is a good book to have around the house or for that new bride starting out in her new home. As Martha would say "It is a good thing!"

Loving every minute I get to care for and clean our simple little home! 

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