Thursday, April 14, 2016

Event Organizer Notebook

My third notebook that helps keep me organized is a holiday, holiday events, and travel notebook. Since that is too long to be the official title, I decided on Event Organizer Notebook. For this notebook, I didn't choose a binder for it. DD had numerous journals she received as presents over the years. They weren't being used, so I commandeered several for my use. In this notebook; I organize Christmas gift list, holiday gatherings info, birthday menus/to do lists, and travel planning lists.

When Christmas time rolls around again, I sit down and write out all the names of people we need to get gifts for, then write down what we were planning on giving them. If we don't have a clue what to buy them yet, we write it down when we do figure it out so we can look back the next year. If we change a gift idea, we write down what we got instead. I also make a note after the list of what wrapping supplies we have left over and what we will need to get for the following year. 

All of the holiday gatherings we have planned for the year get written down too. I write down the date, time, and location, then I write down what foods I am taking, so hopefully I won't repeat them the following year. Birthday dinners also get planned in this notebook. Along with the date, time, and location; I write what food is requested by DH or DD. I then write down a grocery list, a things to do list, and any decorating ideas I come up with. 

When we are planning a trip, this notebook is a tremendous help. I write down things that need to be done before we leave. I also write down lists of items NOT to be forgotten, meds to take, and toiletries to take. I write down a menu and then compile a grocery list of all the things we need to take. I write down items that we need to take for Miss Oakley. I also write down what is needed for our other animals for the family members that will be watching them. 

I am sure by now you have noticed I also decorate the pages with stickers and drawings. I do all of that while I am thinking about what I need to write and include. It makes it a little more interesting for me to look at, too. 

A notebook like this isn't really necessary, but it helps me to keep on top of things. I also like to think of it as a future history lesson for someone in the future as to how the average person lived and planned in America in the early 21st century. So much of our written history is being lost thanks to technology, I like to think I am preserving a little part of it for future generations - especially for the grandkids I hope we will be blessed with one day. 

Living a simply organized life and wouldn't live it any other way! 

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