Friday, July 7, 2017

A Recap Of Our Independence Day Hoilday Weekend

We had a wonderful holiday weekend. Part of it was really busy and part of it was really lazy. It was spent with family and involved plenty of food. 

Friday morning, DD and I went to do a little shopping at our favorite stores ~ Barnes & Nobel (favorite of both of us), Hobby Lobby & Michael's (my favorites.) We also ran a few errands and went to the video store to rent season 1 volume 1 of Outlander for our weekend viewing. Back home, I worked on laundry. DH had to work but got off from work at 2:30 pm. He ran a few errands and then came home. After supper, we settled down to watch tv. 

DH was up early on Saturday morning to head to his parent's house to work on replacing some deck post for them. I walked Snowflake, did a few things in the house, then headed outside to work in my flower beds, but a thunder storm ran me in before I could finish. While working, I killed no less than 3 Black Widow Spiders. That seems to be a running theme around here. 

When DH got home, he went ahead and mowed grass. By the time he was finished, he was wiped. After he got cleaned up, we didn't do much of anything, but enjoy our nice cool house. We ate supper, then settled down in the bed with Miss Oakley to start watching Outlander. 

This is how Miss Oakley wanted us to spend the weekend.

Sunday morning, we slept in, then fixed a big breakfast. We opted out of going to church and decided to spend most of the day being lazy. We did a few little things, then settled back in the bed with Miss Oakley for more Outlander watching. Around 3:00 pm, we headed to one of my aunt's house for a graduation celebration/going away to college party for her oldest grandson, my first cousin once removed. He is headed to Western Carolina to play football. When he and his mom went to orientation the weekend before, they learned he had to move on July the 4th and his class would start the next day. Needless to say, they had a very busy week.

When we left there, we headed to town to get supper a Five Guys. I can't say enough good things about this burger joint. I absolutely love their cheeseburgers and their fries aren't too bad either. We stopped by DH's parent's house for a visit, then headed home to watch Big Brother.   

Monday morning, DH was up early and got straight to work. Although, he did run to Bojangles for a couple of biscuits for breakfast. I had a few "honey do" items for DH to help me with. He moved our mattress off of our bed, so I could wash our bed skirt and vacuum underneath the bed. He headed back outside when he had finished. I got busy giving our master bedroom its annual deep cleaning. It took me most of the day to finish the job. DH finally came in around 3 pm. He got cleaned up and ran a few errands in the middle of a pouring rain storm. I finished around 4 pm, got cleaned up, then started on supper. The rest of the evening was spent watching Outlander. 

DH decided Tuesday would be his lazy day, since he had to head back to work the next day. He worked on a few little things, then came in to help me give Miss Oakley a bath. She was NOT happy. To add insult to injury, we also clipped her nails and put back on her toe grips. (I am going to have to blog about her toe grips. They are a wonderful little product that helps her walk more securely on our hard wood floor.) After lunch, we settled down in the bed with our poor mad puppy to watch more Outlander. 

Around 5:30 pm, we headed up to my parent's house for their annual Independence Day cookout. My momma had the porch and patio area all decked out in red, white, and blue. However, the flowers in her pots and flower beds were the real stars of the show. 

We feasted on hamburgers w/ all the fixin's, hot dogs w/ all the fixin's, chili beans, a variety of melons, veggies w/ dip, chips w/ dip & salsa. My momma fixed a pound cake for dessert to go along with homemade vanilla ice cream. Needless to say, we all left with full tummies.

My daddy!

After we ate, we sat outside enjoy the cooler temps that blew in and talking. Some of the younger ones played a few rounds of cornhole, then went in to cool off and to play a few games of spoons and speed.

As dusk began to fall, my momma bought out the sparklers and we all grab a spot to sit for fireworks viewing. My parents live on a hill, which gives us a great view of all the fireworks going off in our area. A little after 9 pm, we headed home, so DH could get to bed and be fresh and ready to go for work in the morning. 

Not a very good pic of fireworks, but it gives you a sense of the view we had.

We had a busy, but lazy weekend filled with work, food, and family and we simply wouldn't have it any other way!

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