Monday, July 17, 2017

My Absence

I want to put a quick post to tell you why I haven't posted in several days. I had all of the posts laid out the way I wanted them. I had the the pictures. The only problem was that Windows 10 did a major update on our computer and as these major updates go, it messed something up to where I can't see my photos to load them to Google Photos. From what I can tell, it has to do with a syncing problem and I am not sure how to go about fixing it. I have asked DH to look into and see what he can do when he finds the time. It was a busy week last week and a busy weekend, so he hasn't found the time. I looked up other photo sharing sites and set up an account at Shutterfly. That turned out to be a complete nightmare. I found it to hard to navigate and couldn't find anything that was helpful on that site. I had a hard time trying to figure out how to delete the whole thing, but I did get it deleted. I am going to try another one but haven't found the time to do it, yet. To tell the truth, I am finding that keeping up with all this social media stuff is exhausting me.

On top of all the computer drama, I had car drama to deal with last week. We bought a new to us car and it took nearly all last week to get all the ducks in a row so we could finally get it home. It involved a lot of phone calls and running around, but we finally have another vehicle. 

The worse part of the past week is that Miss Oakley is having some bad days. I don't know if it the cancer or if she has another upset tummy. She has been getting gimpier but this past two she has gotten worse. She is still eating and going potty, but she is resting a LOT. Just keep us and her in your prayers. It has been a HARD few days. 

Not sure when I will be back to posting. Right now there are other things that are more important. So from me to you, live life simply and embrace every moment of it! 

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