Friday, December 2, 2016

Christmas Gift Ideas For Kids: 9 To 12 Years Old

Sharing more gift ideas today for older kids. This set of ideas does have one electronic/digital/computer idea, but it fits all the educational requirements for me to suggest. So here goes! 

9 To 12 Years Old

Nancy Drew Mystery Games: Yes, this is a computer game, but I love them. There is a mystery to solve. You have to search for clues, play games for clues, and solve puzzles for clues. It stimulates higher level thinking skills. You can buy games almost anywhere, but Her Interactive is the home site for Nancy Drew. There you can purchase physical or digital copies of the games. They also have a hint & tip board that give you spoilers when you get stuck. I visit there often. I have a younger cousin in 20's and loves these games. She still plays them as a junior in college. Nancy Drew games are simply a good thing. 

The new game that has yet to be released. 

Othello or Reversi: Othello is a board game that stimulates those strategy skills. The game starts out with four pieces on the board; 2 white and 2 black. The goal is to see who can get the most pieces on the board by placing and flipping the pieces. This game requires thought, thinking a few steps ahead, and strategy. It is a fun way to spend an afternoon. 

Clue: The classic whodunit game. Was it Colonel Mustard with the knife in the kitchen? Or was it Miss Scarlett in the Hall with the rope? This is another great game for those thinking and strategy skills. It is also just a lot of fun. We have played it some many times and it was a popular game when DD had friends over. I will never forget the first time DD won. She made her accusation, said I won, and burst into tears. That was a good night! 

Well that is all she wrote on gift ideas for kids for Christmas. I hope some of them gave you a few new ideas to try. I will be sharing gift ideas for women and men next week on "A Life Lived Simply" FB page. So be sure to go and check them out! 

Living a simple life and blessed by every minute of it! 

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