Monday, December 5, 2016

Christmas Decor 2016: Outdoor Decorations

The Christmas season is my favorite time of the year. I love the music, the smells, the lights, the decorations and the kindness that seems to be in the air. Most of all I love that it is the time of year where we followers of Christ celebrate the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is a special, magical time of the year.

So over the next 2 weeks, I will be sharing all the rooms of our home decorated for Christmas. Decorating for Christmas is one of my favorite things to do. I was inspired long ago as a child with my first trip to the Biltmore House during the Christmas season. I started out decorating my childhood bedroom and continued on to our home. It has taken me years to buy all my decorations and I am still buying more, much to DH's chagrin. So sit back and enjoy a Christmas tour of our home. Merry Christmas! 

Our Outdoor Decorations

DH takes his job of putting up our outdoor lights and wreaths very seriously. He does a great and I am very grateful for the care he takes. He is definitely a keeper! 

Our garden shed/cat house decorated for Christmas.

Our egg laying ladies even a have a wreath adorning their home.

The wreath on our front door.

A small Christmas tree beside the front door to greet visitors.

The front porch decked out in greenery and wreaths.
A tree decoration was just right for the door we come in and out of.

A small tree for the side porch to greet us when we come home.

Our tree lite up in our picture window.

The front porch greenery a glow.

One of the little trees lite up.

There just something about tying a red bow around a lamp post at Christmas time.

The back deck a glow with its lite greenery.

Check back the rest of the week for Christmas decorations!

Living a simple life and simply enjoying this special time of the year!

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