Monday, October 17, 2016

A Week Of Party Recipes: Cheerwine Punch

With Halloween getting closer and the holiday season just around the corner, I thought I would share of the recipes I use to take to parties or family gatherings. All of them are easy to make. All of them have been tested and declared yummy by my toughest critics - my family.

The first is made with the "Wine of the South" - Cheerwine. Cheerwine is a soft drink created in my lovely state of NC. It is a favorite here in my neck of the woods and is the only soft drink we drink in our household. When Cheerwine is combined with pineapple juice, it  becomes a tasty punch. 

Cheerwine Punch
  • 3 - 2 liter bottles of Cheerwine
  • 2 - 46 oz cans of unsweetened pineapple juice

Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl. Stir a little to get the ingredients well combined. Chill in frig until ready to serve. Enjoy!

When I make this punch, I pour some into a pretty bundt pan I have and place it in the freezer. When I am ready to serve the punch, I soak the frozen bundt pan in some warm water to loosen the frozen ring of Cheerwine Punch, then I place the frozen ring in the punch bowl. This helps to keep the punch cold without diluting it. 

We served this punch at my grandmother's 90th birthday party. It was wiped out by the end of the party and was the chosen drink over sweet iced tea and other soft drinks. This is a pretty punch to serve at Christmas parties or gatherings. 

If you choose to serve this punch at a Halloween party, the possibilities are endless since it has a dark red color to it. Find ways to make finger ice cubes with the punch to keep the punch cold or float plastic eye balls in it. Like I said endless possibilities. Just use your imagination! 

Loving this simple life I live! 

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