Friday, March 25, 2016


Based upon a Swedish novel, this 1961 movie elaborates on the life of Barrabas after he was set free instead of Jesus. Not the prettiest movie every filmed or filled with outstanding acting, it is still a movie appropriate for Easter time viewing. One of the neatest facts about this movie is that the eclipse that occurred after the death of Jesus was actually filmed during a real eclipse.  

The movie opens with Pontius Pilate asking the crowd gathered before him, which one should he set free Jesus or Barrabas. The crowd cries out Barrabas's name. When he is released, Barrabas goes back to his friends looking for his love, Rachel. His friends informed him that Rachel has become a follower of Christ. Rachel is not happy to see him or eager to return to her old life. 

Intrigued by this man that changed Rachel's life, Barrabas goes to witness the crucifixion of Christ. He stays through it all and even follows the body as it is being carried to be sealed in a tomb. Three days later he returns to the tomb to find the body gone. He believes his body has been taken away by His followers, but Rachel tells Barrabas that Jesus had risen from His grave. Barrabas seeks out other followers including the disciples only to be told them same thing by them. 

Rachel goes about telling all of Jerusalem about her risen Saviour which leads to her being stoned to death at the insistence of the Jewish priests. Barrabas witnesses the stoning and when he sees one of the priest later he throws a stone at him, which leads to him being arrested again. When Pilate finds out by law he can't execute a person already pardon, he sentences Barrabas to life in the mines of Sicily. When he arrives he is chained to a fellow prisoner, Sahak who happens to be a Christian. Not looking forward to being chained to the man released instead of his Saviour, Sahak learns to live with it and the two eventually become friends. 

Does Sahak's belief rub off on to Barrabas? Are they every freed from the depths of the mine? Does Barrabas become a follower of Christ? Does this man many say can't be killed eventually meet his end? This movie can be rented and streamed through Amazon or found on DVD.  Like I said before, it isn't the best shot film or full of academy award winning acting, but it still a simply good story to watch at Easter time! 

Simply enjoying living a simple life and all the simple pleasures to be found in it! 

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