Tuesday, March 1, 2016

25 Things I Like/Love

In order for you to get to know me a little better, I thought I would share 25 random things that I like or love. So here goes!
  1. I like/love hot chocolate, especially with whipped cream and shaved chocolate on top.
  2. The Duke Basketball Team is my team of choice for college basketball. 
  3. The Alabama Crimson Tide is my team of choice for college football.
  4. I like/love the color green, any shade. 
  5. I like/love strawberries. I can eat them till I make myself sick. 
  6. I like/love watermelon the same way as strawberries. 
  7. Outback Steakhouse is my steak house of choice.
  8. I like/love the Spring. It is my favorite season.
  9. I like/love reading, any type of book will do. 
  10. I like/love sleeping. I always have. Sleeping late is divine. 
  11. I like/love to watch really good tv shows and movies. I will watch them over and over again. 
  12. I like/love honest people. Don't lie to me. I am pretty good at smelling a rat. 
  13. I like/love country music, classical music, swing music, classic rock, and heavy metal. 
  14. I like/love chocolate ice cream. 
  15. I like/love Dove chocolate. It is my favorite chocolate. (Sensing a theme yet.)
  16. I like/love classic styles in fashion.
  17. I like/love playing Rook. 
  18. I like/love playing Nancy Drew computer games.
  19. I like/love NASCAR. 
  20. I like/love going to our beautiful NC mountains. They call my heart home. 
  21. I like/love going to the beach. 
  22. I like/love going to Walt Disney World. It is my FAVORITE place to go on vacation. 
  23. I like/love learning about the Amish and their culture.
  24. I like/love learning about the Biltmore Estate and its history. 
  25. I like/love calling North Carolina home.

Tomorrow, I will share 25 things I dislike/loathe/ hate. So stop by for a visit!
Liking and loving this simple life I am living! 

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