Thursday, March 3, 2016

25 Random Things About Me

Today, I am sharing 25 random things about me. 

  1. I am scared of heights, small closed in places, and spiders. 
  2. Clowns, muppets, and gnomes freak me out. 
  3. One of my pupils is bigger than the other. 
  4. I like having someone to brush my hair. 
  5. I like learning about history. 
  6. The 1940's and 1950's fascinate me. I love the fashion of these decades.
  7. I like to take long, hot baths.
  8. I am prone to migraine headaches. 
  9. I am dyslexic. 
  10. I like playing Farmville. It relaxes me and helps me to unwind. 
  11. I could eat chicken almost every day of the week. 
  12. My husband is my best friend. 
  13. I love my Mother-in-law and Father-in-law. They are the best in-laws anyone could have. 
  14. I have one niece, 3 nephews, two great-nephews, and two wonderful step-nieces. 
  15. I would love to write a novel one day. 
  16. I want to live in the Biltmore House or at Walt Disney World in Mr. Disney's apartment on Main Street or in Cinderella's castle. 
  17. I could eat my weight in MacDonald's fries or Cadbury Creme Eggs. 
  18. I have lost 29 pounds to date. It has taken me around 5 years to do so, but slow and steady wins the race. I need to lose another 50 or so. 
  19. I am pretty perceptive when it comes to people. I am usually right on about the type of person they are after being around them a few times. They arrogant ones are easily identified. 
  20. I sometimes have dreams that are premonitions. When I do and they come true, it frightens me. I don't like having them.
  21. I am very rarely sick. 
  22. I am a very organized person and it is almost to the OCD side of things. 
  23. I don't like false, fake people. Be who God intended you to be. 
  24. Growing up, I was a big fan of Princess Diana. Now I am a big fan of and greatly admire Princess Kate. 
  25. I am a BIG Downton Abbey fan and will miss it greatly.
Simply sharing a little more about myself and living a simple life! 

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