Friday, April 29, 2016

2 Ways To Prepare Potatoes For Baking

Honestly, I think we could eat a baked potato almost every day of the week. We love baked potatoes. Baked potatoes are one of those simple things even the most inexperienced cook can pull off. Today, I am sharing two simple ways to bake potatoes; one way takes longer but still produces a good potato and the other one can be used when you are in a rush.

This is the way I use most often. It is a simple one that DD can prepare on her own with supervision. Wash the baking potatoes off good with warm water. Take a fork, poke holes in both ends and the sides. Cover the potato with tin foil. Place in the oven and turn it on to 350 degrees. Bake the potato for about 2 hours or till it feels soft to the touch. If it is a smaller potato, it will take less time. A bigger potato will take a little longer. Let the potatoes cool for a few minutes, unwrap, then top with favorite toppings and devour. 

If you forgot to put the potatoes on early enough to be ready when  you need them or if you are in a rush, then this is the method for you. This is the way most restaurants prepare their baked potatoes. Wash the baking potato is warm water and dry. Lightly coat the outside of the potato with some olive oil, then roll in salt. Place potatoes on a baking sheet and place in a oven preheated to 450 degrees. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour. Let potato cool a little then place on a plate and pop it open with knife, then top with favorite toppings and devour.  
Baked potatoes are just simply one of those best things in life!

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