Friday, April 8, 2016

Snapshots Of A Simple Life

Every so often, I will be sharing some snapshots of our simple lives; pictures of nature, animals, food, and happenings. Some, I will have already shared on "A Life Lived Simply" Facebook page, but some won't be. So be on the lookout for "Snapshots Of A Simple Life."

This is the scene that greeted us the morning after an ice storm in February.

This Spring has been one of the prettiest ones we have had in a long time.

The Bradford pear trees have been absolutely beautiful.

We have had some warm, sunny, blue skies days.

I just love this shot.

Bradford pear blooms against an azure sky.

I have baked a lot the past few weeks. These Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Walnut Cookies were delish!

Spring means the beginning of strawberry season. Although local strawberries won't come in until May, we can't resist buying them when they hit the stores.

Two of the best things in the world - fresh strawberries topped with homemade whipped cream. However, adding a slice of lemon pound cake to it would make it heavenly! ~ For a homemade whipped cream how-to go to this link on "A Life Lived Simply" Facebook page.
There all kinds of wild flowers around our simple home place.

These tiny blue flowers are on the ground by our clothes line. They are lovely.

These violets are blooming in our pasture.

These are the only purple mound of violets.

These purple flowers are in the pasture, too. I know it is most likely a weed, but it reminds me God sees beauty in all the things He created whether it be a weed or a rose.
Thursday, March 24th, we bought these little ladies home.
They are Buff Orpington and we hope the eight of them will become great egg layers.
Here they are a week later.
They are getting use to us. I am able to pet several of them when they walk up to me. They will have to live in their custom made box for another few weeks yet, before we move them into the chicken coop. To see pictures of their custom made box visit "A Life Lived Simply" Facebook page.

Hope you enjoyed a little peek into this simple life we lead. Be on the lookout for more snapshots.

Living the simple life and simply loving it! 

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