Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Simply Perfect Product: Cottonelle Toilet Paper

Let's talk about toilet paper. I never really thought about toilet paper. It is just one of those items that you need in life and not much thought is given to the pros and cons of different types of toilet paper. I became aware of the qualities of toilet paper, when we started having problems with our septic tank. 

A few years after moving into our first home, we began to have problems with our septic tank. It had settled some and was messing with the drain of the water from the  home. There was also this thick sludge settling on top of the water. We tried RidX to get rid of that sludge with no success. Our septic tank guy told that RidX is a waste of money to try Brewer's Yeast instead. It helped but we still were having problems. Finally our septic tank guy asked us what kind of toilet paper do we use. We told him Scott's Toilet Paper. He told us we needed to try another brand, because the Scott's was reacting with our hard well water and was forming a thick layer of what amounted to plaster of paris on top of the water. That thick layer was the main reason our septic tank wasn't working right. So, we started trying other toilet papers. 

As we began to use other toilet paper, I kept getting yeast infections. Yeast infections aren't uncommon in women, but mine seemed to go away as I treated it only to come back in a few weeks. As I began to look for things that could cause yeast infections, I came across an article that toilet paper ~ especially the scented ones ~ could cause yeast infections. With that info, the light bulb went off in my head. The toilet paper we switched to was scented. So, I began searching for another brand of toilet paper. After trying several brands, we finally landed on the brand we use today ~ Cottonelle Toilet Paper.

Pic via Cottonelle.

We really like this product. It is soft and cleans well. More importantly, it is unscented and hasn't caused any yeast infections. An added plus is that it doesn't react with our hard water to form that thick layer on top of the water in our septic tank. It is simply the perfect product for our family!  

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