Tuesday, January 17, 2017

5 More Ways To Fix Potatoes: Homemade Potato Chips

Every once in a while for a special treat, I will make us homemade potato chips to go with a meal. They are yummy and don't have all the preservatives store bought potato chips, but they are fried. You will need to set aside a block of time to prepare the potatoes and then start the process of frying them about 2 hours before you want to eat. It takes a few times of making them to learn all of the tricks to making them and keeping them crispy. I still am working on perfecting the recipe. 

The recipe I use comes from the cookbook - Joy Of Cooking. It is important to slowly bring the oil up to the temp for frying the chips. If you rush the heating process, you will get soggy, greasy chips. I speak from experience. Make sure to use the right potatoes -  Idaho or Russet Potatoes. I learned this from experience too. I use my cast iron Dutch Oven with a thermometer in it to regulate the temp to fry them in. I have used my MIL's electric fryer too. Both of them do a good job. It is easier to control the temp with an electric, but for now I will stick to my cast iron and a thermometer. It would be helpful if you read up on deep fat frying techniques before you start. 

Homemade Potato Chips

Peel potatoes and rinse. Using a mandolin (this is the one I have) or a vegetable peeler, slice the potatoes as thinly as possible. 

Soak the slices in cold water for 2 hours. Change the water twice. (This helps to get rid of the excess starches.) Drain well and then pat dry thoroughly.

Very slowly bring the oil up to 380 degrees. Using a frying basket or a spider strainer to drop slices in the oil one by one. Shake the basket or use a spider to stir the slices to prevent them from sticking together. 

The slices separated and frying.

Fry until golden brown. Drain on paper towel (I use a kitchen towel) and sprinkle with salt. To keep the warm, I put them in a very low temp warm oven. Be sure to let the oil come back up to temp before starting the next batch. 

Golden brown and ready to be taken out of the oil.

Crispy, golden brown homemade chips draining on a towel.

Serve the chips with grilled cheeseburgers, grilled hot dogs, grilled chicken sandwiches, or grilled steaks. The possibilities are endless. These are yummy, especially when you dip them in ranch dressing! Yum! Yum! 

Doesn't that look tempting.

If you are looking for a special treat to make for a special family celebration, why not try homemade chips. I know your family will them. I know mine does! 

Living a simple life and thankful for it! 

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